The Finest Hours features a truly honorable hero

posted in: Action, Drama, Romance | 1

Movie Title:     The Finest Hours Grade:   B Rating:   PG-13, 1 hour 57 minutes In a Nutshell:   This movie honors the heroes who participated in the greatest small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history.   Based on the book by the same … Continued

Kung Fu Panda 3 shares insights on fatherhood and self-worth

posted in: Action, Animated, Children, Comedy, Fantasy | 0

Movie Title:       Kung Fu Panda 3 Grade:  A- Rating:  PG, 1 hour 40 minutes          In a Nutshell:  I loved the first one and don’t even remember what happened in the second one, but this new addition in the Kung … Continued

Ride Along 2 is a lazy sequel

posted in: Action, Comedy, Crime | 0

Movie Title:     Ride Along 2 Grade:  D for Dumb Rating:  PG-13, 1 hour 42 minutes In a Nutshell:    If you liked the first one, you’ll laugh again.  If you thought the first Ride Along was lame and annoying, then … Continued

Woodlawn blends football with faith

posted in: Drama, Sports, True story | 0

Are you ready for some football?   The Superbowl is coming up soon, so I thought I’d review a football movie you may have missed when it hit theaters a few months ago. Movie Title:     Woodlawn Grade:  A- Rating: … Continued

Suffragette movie honors women who sacrificed so much for our voting rights

posted in: Crime, Drama | 1

Movie Title:    Suffragette Grade:  B+ Rating:  PG-13, 1 hour 46 minutes In a Nutshell:    I teach a Politics class at a local college, so I was especially excited to see how Focus Features would handle this period piece in film. … Continued

Star Wars mania

posted in: Action | 0

Star Wars mania is still going strong!I know several people who have already seen it 4 times!  One of my sons is serving a church mission in Nicaragua where everyone is excited about the Star Wars movie and merchandise.  Here … Continued

Creed packs a punch for fans

posted in: Action, Drama, Sports | 1

Movie Title:    Creed Grade:  A- Rating:  PG-13, 2 hours 12 minutes In a Nutshell:    The Rocky franchise is back and better than ever!  It packs a punch for fans with humor, drama, emotional growth for the main characters, that amazing … Continued