Wolfs movie review

posted in: Action, Crime, Mystery | 0

MOVIE TITLE:     Wolfs

This dark action-comedy just opened in select theaters and on Apple TV+.


LENGTH:      1 hour 48 minutes



The buddy story is about two underworld “fixers” who suddenly meet on the same job trying to cover up a prominent New York District Attorney’s scandalous mistake.  They’re forced to work together as their night spirals out of control in ways that neither one of them expected.

The film was directed and written by Jon Watts, who is most known for his work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Already, the movie has won the “Nave d’Argento for Best OTP” at the Venice Film Festival.  Congrats to the team!  By the way, OTP in film jargon means “One True Pairing”, which is often used to describe the perfect romantic relationship or best on-screen couple.  In this case, it refers to Clooney and Pitt with all of their fantastic chemistry and awesomeness.


  •  The cast includes two heavy-hitters and fan favorites:  George Clooney and Brad Pitt.  Their chemistry is undeniable and it’s fun to see them together again in this bromance.  They first starred together in the hugely popular hit Ocean’s Eleven in 2001, as well as in the 2004 and 2007 sequels. We don’t learn their characters’ names; instead, they’re listed as “Margaret’s Man” and “Pam’s Man”.
  • Amy Ryan did a great job but is only in the movie for a short time.
  • Austin Abrams was impressive.  He’s had smaller roles in quite a few movies for years, but this one put him on the map for me.  He did his own stunts which were pretty intense.
  • We get to hear the voice of Academy Award winner Frances McDormand.  Too bad we don’t get to see her, but her voice adds intrigue and her talents don’t go unnoticed.
  • The slow-motion crash sequence where a guy gets hit by a car and lands on his feet was pretty amazing.
  • There is humor, both spoken and visual.
  • The musical score by Theodore Shapiro perfectly set the mood for every scene.
  • The title gets its name from a conversation between George Clooney’s character and a bad guy.  George Clooney’s character coldly states, “I got a job to do.”  The bad guy, played by Zlatko Buric, says, “Oh, I see.  The professional.  The lone wolf.”  Both Brad Pitt and George Clooney believe they are each a lone wolf, only to discover they’re basically the same person, doing the same thing, dressing the same, and even talking the same, as another character later points out.  Now, as an English professor and author, I readily admit that when I first saw the spelling of the title for this movie, it hurt my heart just a little bit.  Once I understood the concept, I decided it was actually pretty clever.
  • The banter was entertaining.
  • The action sequences are done very well.
  • Keep watching during the final rolling credits for some amusing footage from the cameras that were talked about in the story.
  • Audiences who love Clooney and Pitt together are already excited about the possibility of a sequel of this comedy action.  I’d watch it.


  •  It’s odd that this film didn’t get a bigger marketing push considering the huge star power featured in it by Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
  • There is a really long racing car scene that doesn’t quite make sense. Clooney speeds along for miles, trying to catch a runner who couldn’t possibly travel as far as the speeding car would suggest.  Then, without explanation, Pitt’s character is magically able to show up without any kind of transportation.
  • Some are complaining the story isn’t anything particularly new or fresh.  I didn’t mind.  I was still entertained because I’m such a fan of both actors.


  •  The very first word we hear is an F-bomb.  There are a million more to come, as well as other profanity.
  • We see a dead body and blood splatters in the first 2 minutes.  Again, there is a lot more to come.
  • Talk of illegal drugs.  We see several blocks of cocaine.
  • A man runs around in his “tighty whiteys” for quite a few scenes.
  • Violence
  • Various weapons
  • People die bloody deaths


  •  Choices
  • Friendship
  • Loyalty
  • “Fixers”
  • Drug deals
  • Power


  • hurt my heart just a little bit.  Once I understood the concept, I decided it was actually pretty clever.
  • The banter was entertaining.
  • The action sequences are done very well.
  • Keep watching during the final rolling credits for some amusing footage from the cameras that were talked about in the story.
  • Audiences who love Clooney and Pitt together are already excited about the possibility of a sequel of this comedy action.  I’d watch it.
  • It’s odd that this film didn’t get a bigger marketing push considering the huge star power featured in it by Brad Pitt and George Clooney.
  • There is a really long racing car scene that doesn’t quite make sense. Clooney speeds along for miles, trying to catch a runner who couldn’t possibly travel as far as the speeding car would suggest.  Then, without explanation, Pitt’s character is magically able to show up without any kind of transportation.
  • Some are complaining the story isn’t anything particularly new or fresh.  I didn’t mind.  I was still entertained because I’m such a fan of both actors.

  • “Thank you, Sensei.” –  Pam’s Man  (Brad Pitt)
  • “And yet…”  Pam’s Man & Margaret’s Man   (Brad Pitt &George Clooney)
  • “I feel like I’m getting Syphilis just standing here.” –  Pam’s Man (Brad Pitt)
  • “I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening here.” –  Pam’s Man  (Brad Pitt)
  • “So, you’re just going to sit there and slurp your soda?” –  Margaret’s Man  (George Clooney)     “I’m going to supervise.” –  Pam’s Man  (Brad Pitt)
  • “Today was like the first day that I ever felt cool.  Not that you guys would understand.  You’re like the coolest guys I’ve ever seen.” – Kid  (Austin Abrams)


  • “I know what bad feels like.” –  Margaret’s Man  (George Clooney)
  • “When you take a job, you give your word, and that word is the measure of a man.”   Pam’s Man     (Brad Pitt)
  • “I didn’t know people like you really existed.” – Margaret  (Amy Ryan)    “They don’t.  There’s nobody who can do what I do.”  – Margaret’s Man  (George Clooney)



Coming soon!

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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at www.EmptyNestTravelHacker.com

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