A Carpenter’s Prayer movie review

posted in: Drama, True story | 0

MOVIE TITLE:   A Carpenter’s Prayer

This inspiring Christian movie is now playing in theaters.


LENGTH:  1 hour 31 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE:  A-


This lovely film is inspired by a true story.  The events happened in Michigan in the 1970s.  The story is about a pastor and his family who have a goal to build a new church.  A troubled carpenter becomes their unlikely source of hope, proving that faith in God is the true path to redemption, even in the most tragic circumstances.

The film was written, directed, and produced by Matt Webb.


  • The opening scene quickly shows you the area while you hear the small Christian fold singing by a lake to celebrate a baptism.
  • The majority of the cast will probably look unfamiliar to you except for one: a Baldwin brother!  Stephen Baldwin offers the star quality to the cast. 
  • Gabriel Solis and Reed Schwieterman are the youngest actors in the cast, just boys, and they were really great!  They sang a beautiful duet together at the end.
  • Standouts include Bethany Anne Lind, Alicia Kelley, Jeff Dernlan, and David Bianco.  There’s even a character played by a Down Syndrome actor (Michael Paff).  Everyone does a great job!
  • I absolutely love the way the movie illustrates how prayers can be answered in very different ways than we had thought. 
  • At the end of the movie, we get to see photos of the real people involved in the events, along with text that tells us what happened next after the movie comes to a close.


  • Shaky cam.  I hate shaky cam.
  • It’s a bit on the melodramatic side.
  • It’s slow moving.
  • Non-Christians may not understand the politics and hierarchy of the group of churches involved in the building process.


  • Kids will probably be bored.
  • We see a man drink a lot with talk of alcoholism and we watch him go through rehab with lots of vomiting.
  • Talk of death
  • We attend a lovely funeral


  • The power of music
  • Family
  • Dreamers
  • Faith
  • Spirituality
  • Sacrifice
  • Caring for others
  • Secrets
  • Alcoholism
  • Forgiveness
  • Community


  • “The bishop wanted me to congratulate you: 8 baptisms in 2 months?! What are you putting in the water?” –  Superintendent, Mr. Davis    “Just people with their clothes on.” –  Troy Clark  (Gabriel Solis)


  • “I know God will provide.  He’s seldom early and never late.” – Doyle Clark  (David Bianco)
  • “Jesus fed 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.  He’s in the business of miracles.” –  Doyle
  • “Don’t condescend to me, Doyle.  I trust God.  It’s you I’m unsure of.” – Lloyd  (Thom Hofrichter)
  • “If we pray…I mean REALLY pray, God will answer us.” – Doyle  Clark  (David Bianco)
  • “Jesus said it’s a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  The lamp only shines a few feet in front of us, but it doesn’t mean the path isn’t there.” – Doyle Clark (David Bianco)
  • “Jesus uses broken people to build His kingdom.” – Doyle Clark  (David Bianco)
  • “He ain’t gonna forgive me.” – Glen Frank  (Jeff Dernlan)     “Nobody’s good enough.” – Doyle Clark  (David Bianco)
  • “I want to be a changed man.” – Glen Frank  (Jeff Dernlan)
  • “He wasn’t teaching us to build the church.  He taught us to BE the church.” – Doyle Clark  (David Bianco)
  • “We may not always know the path, but our faith leads us forward.” – Doyle Clark  (David Bianco)

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Coming soon!

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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at www.EmptyNestTravelHacker.com

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