Movies With Pests

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I was watching an older movie the other day that featured animals that got into a person’s house that caused all kinds of problems.  You know….raccoons, rodents, bats.  It got me thinking about the creatures that have wandered into my houses over the years.  When I lived in Georgia for 15 years, we were invaded by ants and field mice when we were building out the basement.  The ants were awful but those field mice were adorable!  Still, we had to get rid of all of them to complete our construction.  We had tons of birds and squirrels outside, but I left feeders outside for them because I wanted them to come!  I saw bats flying around at night, but I couldn’t figure out where their house was.


When I lived in San Diego, we got these gigantic, beefy, disgusting spiders near the windows and doors but, thank goodness, they never made it into the house.  EESH!!!  Now that I live in Las Vegas, we don’t get much at all.  I found a scorpion at my front door though.  Scary!  My neighbor had pigeons and doves hanging out on the roof, which resulted in a lot of bird turds below.  Other than that, I haven’t had any destructive creatures in my home.  Well, my dog peed on the carpet sometimes…

How about YOU?  Do you welcome creatures or struggle to keep them at bay?

I thought it would be fun to make a list of movies that featured destructive creatures and pests.  Have you seen any of these?  Most of them are pretty old.  Looks like it’s time for a movie studio to produce another one!

For a helpful infographic, feel free to download this from the

They can also give you helpful information on how to deal with the various creatures to keep them and your home safe.


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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at

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