Infinite movie review 2021

MOVIE TITLE:    Infinite

This dramatic action-drama skipped theaters and is currently streaming only on Paramount Pictures Plus.

One of my YouTube channel subscribers asked me to review this, so I finally had time to watch it!



LENGTH:      1 hour 46 minutes



“Did you ever have a dream so real that it felt like a memory?”  That’s the question the audience is asked at the beginning of the film.  A man discovers that his hallucinations are actually visions from past lives.  This mind-bending film was directed by Antoine Fuqua.

Mark Wahlberg’s schizophrenic character says “Reincarnation is comforting but it’s a spiritual way of saying ‘Better luck next time.'”  What do YOU think about reincarnation?  That’s what this film is about but with a new twist.

The movie was brought to Hollywood through crowdsourcing.  It’s based on the book The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz.   Paramount Pictures bought the rights to the movie after finding the book in a hostel in Nepal.  The author had written an invitation and challenge to readers to get the story made into a movie with a promise of a financial reward.  It worked in only 18 months!



  • I’m such a fan of Mark Wahlberg and will watch pretty much anything he’s in.  As expected, he has the required physicality and snarky humor to deliver an extremely entertaining performance.
  • Academy Award & Golden Globe nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor is another actor I consider to be a chameleon.  He’s excellent in everything he does and won a BAFTA Award for Best Actor for his role in 12 Years a Slave.
  • I hadn’t seen Sophie Cookson before in anything I remembered.  She’s beautiful and also has the athleticism to be believable in action sequences.
  • Speaking of action sequences, there are a ton of them!  Kudos to the stunt team that did an incredible job.
  • I was sad that Dylan O’Brien’s role in the film was so short.  I absolutely loved him in the movie LOVE AND MONSTERS.  What a fun flick!
  • Liz Carr creates such an intriguing character that simply belongs in this universe.
  • Some truly stunning visuals.
  • Tons of crazy car chases.  The movie looks like it must have cost a lot of money to make.  I looked online but couldn’t find the price tag.
  • Retractable steering wheel.  Very cool.  Lots of other cool weapons and gadgets.
  • The movie was filmed in Cardiff, Wales.  I went there about 5 years ago for the first time.  If you want to learn more about Wales, check out the heartwarming movie I just reviewed called Dream Horse.
  • There are some fun Easter eggs such as a sound effect heard from the movie Transformers and an M82 Wahlberg used in the movie Shooter, both Mark Wahlberg flicks.
  • The world-building is intriguing, although a bit bloated.
  • Just turn your brain off and enjoy the beautiful locations and action sequences for a fun summer flick.  I think I enjoyed this movie more than most film critics and viewers who rated it very low.
  • If you enjoy this movie, you’ll be happy to see the opening that is created for a sequel.  Is that something you want?  Comment down below to let me know!




  • So many mind-numbing action sequences.
  • The convoluted plot might confuse viewers, rather than enlighten them.
  • Despite all of the action and CGI, the movie somehow feels bloated and empty at the same time.
  • Tons of cliches.
  • Some of the CGI didn’t work.
  • The movie acts and feels like it’s more smart and deep than it really is.



  • Kids will be very bored.
  • Tons of destruction
  • Various kinds of torture and violence with a very high body count
  • Women in skimpy clothing


  • Life
  • Reincarnation
  • Faith
  • Hope
  • The belief that the actions we take each day will add up to something more than ourselves
  • The possibilities are infinite



  • “I must have messed up in my past life.  Have you seen where I live?” – Evan McCauley  (Mark Wahlberg)
  • “Confidence is high.” –  Artisan   (Jason Mantzoukas)    “And so are you, obviously.” –   Evan McCauley   (Mark Wahlberg)
  • “I am shocked that that worked.” – Artisan   (Jason Mantzoukas)



  • “I’m not crazy, just misunderstood.” –    Evan McCauley   (Mark Wahlberg)
  • “Where I come from, I’ve got bills to pay.  I don’t have time for destiny.” –   Evan McCauley   (Mark Wahlberg)
  • “Memories are held in every organ, every cell of your body.” –   Nora Brightman   (Sophie Cookson)
  • “Death isn’t the end.  It’s like turning the page in a book.”      Nora Brightman      (Sophie Cookson)
  • “Look inside.” – Evan McCauley  (Mark Wahlberg)


Movie Review Mom GRADE:    C+ 











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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at

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2 Responses

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