MOVIE TITLE: Have You Heard About Greg?
This heartbreaking documentary about Alzheimer’s is now available on Video on Demand.
RATING: Documentary
LENGTH: 1 hour 24 minutes
The first thing you see when the film opens are these words by Greg O’Brien: “Alzheimer’s knows no demographic, gender, religion, or color. If there were ever a bipartisan disease to stand collectively against, it is Alzheimer’s.” The film is dedicated to the families, caregivers, and friends of the 50 million-plus individuals worldwide who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and other forms of Dementia.
My mother is one of them. That is why I reached out to the studio to request a press screener so I could review this film and tell you about it. I am personally affected by this terrible illness that steals memories from loved ones. The film brought me to tears because this disease runs in my family. Other family members have died from complications due to Dementia. It breaks my heart to watch my mother slowly disappear and she no longer knows who I am. It worries me that I might go down that path as well.
At the end of the film, there are resources to help families know what they can do. This heartbreaking documentary is a film by Steve Ecclesine.
- The story begins “B.C”…before Coronavirus.
- Greg O’Brien, who was quoted at the beginning of the film describes Alzheimer’s as “coming for me.” He lost family members due to the illness and defines it as “a quiet thief in the night that relentlessly robs from the patient the sense of identity, personality, and ultimately, a sense of self.” He said it’s like having a sliver of your brain shaved every day. Greg’s struggle with Alzheimer’s is the focus of the film. I love that he talks about hope and laughter and his attitude about life is truly inspiring.
- You get to hear a lot of experts talk about the challenges and solutions of this disease.
- You see a lot of everyday people who are trying to fight this medical battle, but you also get to learn about celebrities who struggled, like singer Glen Campbell, as illustrated in his film Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me. In the film, we also learn that Jeff Bezos has gotten involved in funding research for Alzheimer’s. Yay.
- Throughout the entire film, there are tips offered, as well as resources for families. Keep watching during the final credits to learn about BrainGuide, which is a free service and app to help you and your loved ones assess options. It’s sponsored by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. To learn more, you can go to
- I’ve always loved the lesson about how geese fly in a formation that allows them to take turns being the leader and being the follower who honks encouragement to those flying in the front. Reverend Doug Scalise shares the story with Greg O’Brien and explains that because geese work together, they can actually fly higher than eagles. When one person has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the support of family, friends, caregivers, and medical professions are required to get through this disease with dignity.
- There is some lovely, original music throughout the film by Tim Williams, Chad Cannon, Jesse Carmichael, and Donal Sosin.
- If you’d like to support Greg O’Brien and learn more about Alzheimer’s check out his book:
- The filmmaking is very straightforward without many creative transitions.
- Some profanity, including an F-bomb
- Kids will be bored. Adults should watch it and get informed.
- Talk of cancer and death.
- Talk of incontinence.
- Aging
- Live in the moment because that’s all we have.
- Love
- Hope
- Legacy
- Supporting one another
- Faith
- Family
- “Control is an illusion.” – Reverend Doug Scalise
- “I don’t want anyone’s pity. I’m trying to explain in new ways that people might understand it so they might better understand a loved one or friend who’s going through it, so I see myself as a window, not a martyr, ‘cuz otherwise, I don’t want to do this.” – Greg O’Brien
- “It’s about embracing heaven.” – Greg O’Brien
- “I don’t know that you find faith until you pursue faith.” – Greg O’Brien
- “If someone doesn’t tell their own story, someone else will tell it for them and not accurately. It’s the elephant in the room…yet this elephant forgets.” – Greg O’Brien
- “Our goal is to get people talking about this. Now it’s time to actually do something.” – Steve Ecclesine
- “There’s a bigger purpose here: to learn how to go out with some dignity and do some good things on the way out.” – Greg O’Brien
- “In three words I can say everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” – Greg O’Brien
Movie Review Mom GRADE: A
@TrinaBoice @MovieReviewMom
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