MOVIE TITLE: King Richard
This inspirational movie is now in select theaters and on HBO Max.
LENGTH: 2 hours 24 minutes
This inspirational sports film takes a look at how tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams became who they are after the coaching from their strong-willed father Richard Williams. The film was directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green and written by Zach Baylin. In 2018, the film ended up on the famous “Black List”, which features unproduced films with potential. It’s now listed among the contenders for Best Picture for 2022! That’s especially impressive considering this is only Reinaldo Marcus Green’s third feature film.
On a personal note, I’m a huge disappointment to my father in many ways, but one of them was that I never became a tennis star. He absolutely loves the game and has played all of his life. He would have been thrilled if I had even played on my high school team. At the time, I was obsessed with dancing, so I was busy doing that and other things in high school instead. Tennis is a great game and I wished I had spent more time working at it.
- Who doesn’t love Will Smith? As if his acting isn’t great enough, he did something truly impressive after filming this movie. He divided up his $40 million earnings to split among the other actors in the movie as a special thank-you bonus for them. This is his third biopic after Ali in 2001 and The Pursuit Of Happyness in 2006. The film’s title reveals that the focus of the story is really on Richard Williams, the dad, who drove his daughters to greatness, while fiercely trying to protect the girls’ childhood and family values. Will Smith really disappears in this role. In fact, I’ve heard that his portrayal of the real Richard Williams is spot on. This is absolutely the right role for him. He has often been nominated for an Oscar, so this might just be his year. Warners Brothers have really been pushing for Oscar buzz for this movie. Do you think it should win Picture of the Year? Comment down below!
- Saniyya Sidney did an excellent job as Venus Williams. Believe it or not, she had never played tennis before making this movie! In fact, she’s left-handed, so she had to learn how to play and hit like Venus Williams. She trained like a true athlete with hours of practice and a strict diet. She also spent hours watching videos of Venus playing in tournaments.
- The talented cast also includes Aunjanue Ellis (who successfully holds her own while she goes head-to-head with Will Smith as Richard Williams’ wife), Demi Singleton, Jon Bernthal, Tony Goldwyn, Dylan McDermott, Kevin Dunn.
- Venus and Serena Williams were producers of the movie, along with Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith.
- The trailers have been really great and the poster with the dad and his girls pushing a shopping cart has a cute whimsy about it.
- The scenes with tennis matches are done really well, focusing on the tension without dragging on for an entire game.
- The humor is mostly found in the entertaining things Richard Williams says.
- While the last scene occurs after a game loss, we learn that Venus later became the first African American woman to be ranked #1 in the tennis world.
- You get to see pictures, videos, and interviews of the real Williams family at the end of the movie while the final credits roll.
- The movie jumps into the Williams girls already playing well at tennis. What I wanted to know is what got them initially interested in tennis. How did their father get interested? It’s not the center of the film’s purpose, so I’m just curious.
- Parents with kids in sports will experience both admiration and mixed feelings about Richard Williams’ coaching approach with his daughters.
- People are often a bit skeptical, and rightly so, when family members are involved in creating a biopic. Has the story been sugar-coated? What was left out? What might have been added in for the “Hollywood” effect?
- A man gets beat up
- Some profanity
- Some violence
- You see a drive-by shooting in the hood
- Racial slurs about whites and blacks
- Respect
- Perseverance
- Parenting and tough love
- Marriage partners need to work together as a team
- Cheating
- Adversity
- Humility
- Race
- Passion for sports
- Excellence
- Have a plan
- Scholarship opportunities
- Never stop dreaming
* “You’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever known and I coached McEnroe!” – Paul Cohen (Tony Goldwyn)
- “Don’t accept my silence as agreement.” – Oracene “Brandy” Williams (Aunjanue Ellis)
- “I’ve been here dreaming and believing just like you. You just don’t want to see me.” – Oracene “Brandy” Williams (Aunjanue Ellis)
- “Venus and Serena gon’ shake up this world.” – Richard Williams (Will Smith)
Movie Review Mom GRADE: A
@MovieReviewMom @TrinaBoice
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