MOVIE TITLE: A Journal for Jordan
This dramatic movie based on a true story opens on Christmas Day, December 25, 2021.
LENGTH: 2 hours 11 minutes (whew!)
Directed by two-time Oscar winner Denzel Washington, this heartfelt film is a true tear-jerker, although it crosses the line on what is appropriate for a rating of PG-13.
The movie is about 1st Sgt. Charles Monroe King, who, before he is killed in action in Baghdad, authors a journal for his son intended to tell him how to live a decent life despite growing up without a father. To pay respect to our current military, Denzel Washington visited Fort Irwin, CA in September 2020 to do a Meet and Greet with the soldiers and their families.
One of the writers is Dana Canedy, who also wrote an article the book based on her real-life experience. Virgil Williams wrote the screenplay.
- I could not be a bigger fan of Michael B. Jordan. He’s excellent in everything he does. The audience I watched the press screening with was also filled with fans. There’s a scene where you see the naked backside of the buff actor. A lady in the audience lifted up her hands in the air and screamed, “Yes!” and started clapping, which made the entire audience laugh. It’s no joke that Michael B. Jordan is incredibly eye candy and a powerful actor. To prepare for this role, he did a little bit of Boot Camp at Fort Irwin to see what it would actually be like to be Charles.
- Chante Adams is lovely as Michael B. Jordan’s love. The movie really focuses on her part of the story, as she was the one left to raise their son as a single mother and actually raise Jordan.
- Jalon Christian hit the jackpot by landing his very first role in a movie directed by Denzel Washington. In the title role of Jordan, Jalon found an instant connection with the character who gets called names because he doesn’t quite look black or white and doesn’t have a father around. He stated, “I know it is my life’s purpose to represent and tell stories that will inspire people to embrace all sides of who they are while not having to pick just one. The message of this film does just that.” His next movie is with Dwayne Johnson in DC Comic’s Black Adam.
- Some of the filming was done in Washington, D.C. at Arlington cemetery, but it’s not listed under the locations in the credits for some reason. Arlington cemetery is a sobering place that every American should try to visit as an expression of gratitude for all of our fallen soldiers who were dedicated to protecting America’s interests.
- I was intrigued by the two scenes that showed Jordan’s father’s presence coming from the “other side” of death. I was hoping the story would feature more of those moments to take the movie to a deeper level, but the film didn’t linger there.
- I couldn’t find the name of the baby who played the young toddler Jordan, but he was totally adorable.
- There is some humor peppered throughout the film.
- Hey guys, take note of how to be a gentleman. Dana Canedy noticed that Charles Monroe King was walking on the outside of the sidewalk when they walked together in order to protect her from traffic. That’s how it’s done! Watch my review on my Movie Review Mom YouTube channel to hear how I first learned about this rule of chivalry.
- Other than the two leads, all of the coworkers, friends, and family members looked like real, everyday people
- The introduction at the very beginning of the film shows fast-moving moments of the couple’s life, perfectly representing how fast our lives really do fly by.
- I took a friend with me to watch the press screening. She was really taken with the movie and cried while she pointed out all of the beautiful moments and messages.
- The movie focuses far more time on the relationship between the father and mother, and not on the journal itself. Technically, there are two journals: one written by Jordan’s father and another by his mother. The idea of the journal is briefly shown at the beginning of the film, but not really developed until the end of the movie.
- Cliched dialogue.
- The story is very slow-moving. I wanted it to get to the contents of the journal way sooner than it did.
- Because the story is about a father and son, I wondered why Denzel Washington didn’t insist on casting his real-life son, John David Washington, in the role of Charles Monroe King.
- Profanity
- I think Denzel Washington has been in so many Rated R movies that he has forgotten what a PG-13 movie should look like. There is a lot of sexual content in this movie that I think is inappropriate for 13-year old children. For example, you see a man fully naked from the rear, a topless woman naked from the side view, a couple in bed with a lot of skin and facial expressions of ecstasy, talk of “boobies” and lots of conversations about sex. The story features an unmarried couple’s relationship that results in an unwed pregnancy. A woman holds a vibrator.
- A woman leaks breast milk onto her shirt.
- Talk and portrayal of marijuana usage
- A gay man is one of Dana’s coworkers.
- Use of the word “negro” and “wigger” (white nigger)
- TV footage of the towers during 9/11
- Love
- Family
- Legacy
- Life and death
- Single moms
- Divorce
- Service to others
- Heroes: both military and single moms
* “You’re lucky you saw him first.” – sister
- “Guess what? Chicken butt.” – Charles Monroe King (Michael B. Jordan)
- “Men are luxuries, not necessities.” – Dana Canedy (Chante Adams)
- “You don’t love me. You love your men. I’m just better looking.” – Dana Canedy (Chante Adams)
- “Why were we even fighting that war?” – Jordan “That depends on who you ask.” – Dana Canedy (Chante Adams)
- “Love is the one thing in this world that’s worth fighting for.” – Charles Monroe King (Michael B. Jordan)
Movie Review Mom GRADE: B
@TrinaBoice @MovieReviewMom
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