- D’Souza tries to present both sides of each issue fairly, giving equal time for both.
- There are some powerful images that should leave you in awe of the miracle that America was ever created. A single sniper’s shot to George Washington during the Revolutionary War could have ended everything before it even started. George Washington is one of my biggest heroes ever and is featured in the beginning of the film. He was willing to put his life on the line for an America that didn’t exist yet. He could have easily been king of this new country and establish his own royal lineage, but instead, he insisted on a new government that would make his descendents as socially equal as anyone. Where ARE his descendents? Great question, right?
- D’Souza also tries to present the important question “What would the world be like if America recedes in importance?” Is she now? How can we prevent it?
- It’s not a sequel to 2016 Obama’s America
where Obama is painted as a villain who hates capitalist America, but a film with a hero, not D’Souza, but America itself.
- D’Souza tries to show that the principles of 1776 which founded this country still work.

- A lot of issues were unaddressed, but then again, the film would have been much longer.
- Some of the reenactments could have been better. A few were used over and over again, but from different angles.
- I thought some of the people D’Souza chose to interview were odd choices, but it was still interesting to hear their view points on various issues.
- The film could have been much grander and greater, but feels like a TV Special.

- “America is an idea. It was the first country to claw itself out of darkness and put it on paper.” – Bono
- “The Revolutionary War was the struggle for the creation of America. The Civil War was the struggle for the preservation of America. WWII was the struggle for the protection of America.” – D’Souza
- “Capitalism works through the consent of the people.” – D’Souza
- “The wealth of America isn’t stolen; it’s created.” – D’Souza
- “America isn’t the problem; it’s the answer.” – D’Souza
- “I chose this country. This country does something truly unique – it allows you to write the script of your life.” – D’Souza
- “Obama didn’t create this movement; it created him.” D’Souza
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