In a Nutshell: “1957. The height of the Cold War. The United States and the Soviet Union fear each other’s nuclear capabilities – and intentions. Both sides deploy spies – and hunt for them.” And so the movie begins.
– Patriotism comes in many colors.
– Which is more important: the ends or the means?
– What do YOU stand for?
– I loved the contrast between the 2 scenes that showed people jumping over a fence.
– Some of the most powerful statements were never spoken. Tom Hanks is the master of subtlety.
Donovan was such a great negotiator that even when he got robbed, he was able to get directions from the guys who stole his coat!
Check out the amazing statistics at the end of the movie that showcase Donovan’s talents.
SPOILER ALERT: The scene on the bridge towards the end of the movie is a masterpiece. Watch the camera angles and the contrast between light and dark.

· It’s a little slow-moving at times. Those who require non-stop action in their movie-going will get a good nap.
Funny lines:

– Children will snooze and not be interested. Teens might snooze, but will be rewarded if they can stick it out until the end.
– “Checkpoint Charlie” is also shown in the film. Talk to your kids or grandkids about what life was like back then. George Santayana is quoted as saying “Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.”
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