Captain America: Brave New World movie review

RATING:    PG-13

LENGTH:   1 hour 58 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE:    C

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The newest and 35th Marvel superhero movie was directed by Julius Onah. Writing credits go to Rob Edwards, Malcolm Spellman, and Dalan Musson.

The story is about Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, who finds himself in the middle of an international incident and must discover the motive behind a nefarious global plan.


  • Destruction
  • Violence with some blood
  • Someone gets hurt badly and ends up in the hospital
  • Some profanity


  •  Loyalty
  • Friendship
  • Belief in others
  • Self-confidence
  • Identity
  • Forgiveness
  • Second chances
  • Reconciliation
  • Hope 


  • Anthony Mackie tried very hard in this film to fill the capable, beloved shoes of Chris Evans’ Captain America. He’s the third MCU actor to also receive “Executive Producer” credit next to his name.
  • It’s always fun to see Harrison Ford in anything. I love that he’s still making films. He replaces the late William Hurt in the movie as Thaddeus Ross. Some viewers might think Harrison Ford is a new character in the story, but he’s not. In the Spanish version of the film, Salvador Vidal voiced Harrison Ford and William Hurt.
  • Congratulations to Israeli actress Shira Haas for making it big time in a Hollywood blockbuster film. I thought she did a great job in the film Unorthodox.
  • I’ve been a fan of Tim Blake Nelson for years, so I’m happy he was able to snag this role as a Marvel villain.
  • Sebastian Stan appears and is, in fact, the only character to appear in all four Captain America movies! I thought he was terrific in A Different Man and I’m glad he’s getting some award attention for his performance in it.
  • Yes, there really are gorgeous cherry trees in Washington, D.C.! They were a gift from Japan as a sign of friendship. Friendship is one of the themes of the film. The director thought it was appropriate to film one of the scenes there to show the theme of empathy.
  • There is a clear attempt to give comic book fans what they’re looking for. For example, Sidewinder has blue eyes, so Giancarlo Esposito was given blue eyes during the filming. Sidewinder was actually added to the movie during the reshoots!
  • This is also the first time we see the appearance of the Red Hulk in the MCU. Early in the film, we see a character holding a red sucker, a foreshadow that the character will turn into the Red Hulk later on.
  • There is talk that Sam will receive some kind of power that allows him to talk to birds in his next movie.
  • If you’re a fan of Kendrick Lamar, you’ll love that another one of his songs is used in the credit roll.
  • It wouldn’t be a proper Marvel movie without a sneak peek scene at the very end of the final rolling credits. Stay seated!


  • One word describes this film: snorefest. My husband fell asleep and was snoring in the theater. I almost did too. It didn’t feel very brave or new.
  • The fight sequences were boring and poorly filmed.
  •  It would have been fun to see Chris Evans provide a short cameo performance. Disappointing and missed opportunity.
  • The villain didn’t feel all that menacing.
  • Not enough humor.
  • If this film was supposed to launch a new era in the MCU, it’s a major disappointment and completely forgettable. Drats. Marvel, what’s happening to you? You had the magic formula and lost the recipe.


  • “You may be Captain America, but you’re not Steve Rogers.” – Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (Harrison Ford)



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Author, university professor

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