The Fault in Our Stars has very few faults

posted in: Based On A Book, Drama, Romance, Teen | 4

Movie Title:  The Fault in Our Stars PG-13, 2 hours 5 minutes   Grade:  A-   In a Nutshell:   I’m going to have to read this book.  The movie is based on the #1 bestselling novel by John Green and … Continued

Vampire Academy now on DVD for those suffering Twilight withdrawals

The newest DVD to hit store shelves this week is: Movie Title:   Vampire Academy   PG-13, 1 hour 45 minutes   Grade:   C-   In a Nutshell:   Juno meets Harry Potter meets Twilightmeets Mean Girls meets terrible movie.  It could have … Continued

Heaven is for Real movie is simple and inspiring

Movie Title:   Heaven Is for Real PG, 1 hour 40 minutes Grade:   B In a Nutshell:  This is a simple movie with a simple message, and yet it is very powerful.  Perfectly timed for Easter, this faith-building film is based … Continued

Transcendence weighs humanity vs. technology

posted in: Action, Drama, Science Fiction | 0

Movie Title:   Transcendence PG-13, 1 hour 59 minutes Grade:  B In a Nutshell:  This was a really interesting movie about awareness: both computers’ ability to become self-aware, as well as humans’ struggle to truly understand what’s inside each other’s hearts.  … Continued

Noah meets Transformers surprises movie-goers

posted in: Action, Drama, Religious | 0

Movie Title:   Noah PG-13, 2 hours 19 minutes Grade:  D  –   for Don’t waste your hard-earned money on this piece of garbage In a Nutshell:    Oh, Hollywood.  Why?  Has anyone in Hollywood actually read the Bible? You have the … Continued

Winter’s Tale movie review

posted in: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance | 0

Movie Title:   Winter’s Tale PG-13, 2 hours 9 minutes Grade:  B- In a Nutshell:   Not to be confused with Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, this time-traveling tale is filled with a wonderfully talented cast: Colin Farrell (Total Recall), Jessica Brown Findlay … Continued