1 hour 48 minutes
It sure feels like a formulaic Nicholas Spark movie or something you’d see on the Hallmark channel, although it’s not nearly as good.
- No profanity.
- Liam gets drunk.
- Billy informs Liam about all of the dangers of convertibles. While they’re true, I still drive my convertible and love it.
- Talk of pre-marital relations
- Liam teaches his daughter, “Sometimes you just need to let go and live on the wild side.” How do you feel about that advice?
- Young rom-com fan girls will probably like the movie.
Uplifting theme:
- Your choices will define you.
- Family
- Community
- Loyalty
- Forgiveness
- Abby Ryder Fortson, who plays the precocious Billy, is adorable. She did a really great job, although her lines are much more advanced than what they should be for her age.
- If you liked Jessica Rothe in Happy Death Day
, you’ll be happy to see a softer side of her in this.
- The cast includes Alex Roe, John Benjami Hickey, Abby Ryder Forstson, and Judith Hoag, with a special cameo by Travis Tritt, who sings the original song, “Slowin’ Down.”
- The small Louisiana town of St. Augustine is picturesque and charming, but actually filmed in Georgia. I lived in Alpharetta, Georgia for 15 years! I absolutely loved the Southern Hospitality and magical fireflies. What I hated was the humidity and the fire ants!
- I was expecting a slap to the face, but the stomach punch was much better. Ha ha
- It was directed by a woman, Bethany Ashton Wolf.
- Country music fans will enjoy the soundtrack.
Things I didn’t like:
- The protagonist, Liam Page (Alex Roe), is not very likable. He easily gets forgiven for being such a jerk to everyone, not just to Josie. He never really gives a good reason for humiliating and leaving her on their wedding day. He clearly has a drinking problem, but it’s never addressed in the movie…ever.
- Some pretty terrible Southern accents.
- Very slow moving.
- What ever happened to the burgers?
- Ultimately, it’s pretty forgettable.
- Yeah, sure, it’s easy to forgive someone who is rich and famous, but what if Liam had become a homeless bum with nothing to offer Josie?
- Fans of the book may be thrown by the fact that Josie and Liam have a son in the book, but a daughter in the movie.
- “I said I wanted to meet him, but I never said I’d be easy on him.” – Billy
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