Get Out (Blu-ray + DVD + DIGITAL HD)
- Friendship, loyalty
- Color shouldn’t matter
- Judgement vs. unconditional love
- Pay attention to your instincts and your gut feelings
- Daniel Kaluuya is actually from England, but his American accent was spot on as Chris Washington.
- The first scene and opening music are creepy, setting the perfect tone for this interesting horror flick.
- More Bradley Whitford, please. I loved him in the fantastic The West Wing: The Complete Series Collection
TV series.
- LilRel Howery was hilarious as Rod Williams. We’re sure to see more of him in future movies.
- A lot of scenes are at night time, so this movie will look super dark on a computer screen.
- Tons of racist comments, words, and attitudes.
- Some of the scenes have awkward pacing.
- Later, when I thought about why Walter ran towards Chris and then instantly changed directions before slamming into him, it didn’t really make any sense, other than to provide a freaky moment for the audience.
- Do you believe in hypnotism? I earned extra credit in college for letting a psychology grad student try to hypnotize me. It didn’t work, but I still got the extra points for my grade. Got an A.
Funny lines:
- “You realize you’re coming off as the world’s biggest douche bag, right?” – Rose Armitage (Allison Williams)
- “The TSA tingles!” – Rod Williams (LilRel Howery)
- “I mean I told you not to go in that house!” – Rod
- “How did you find me?” – Chris
- TONS of F-bombs and other profanity.
- People flip the bird.
- Pre-marital relationships.
- Blood, gore, violence.
- Lots of racial tension, slurs, and prejudice.
- Creepy

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