- “No woman should walk around unarmed.” – Jillian
- “The purpose of life is to love.” – Jillian
- Female empowerment.

- Cameos and references from the fantastic cast of the original movie.
- Terrific cast includes Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Chris Hemsworth, and Cecily Strong.
- Keep watching during the final credits for a peek at the sequel…
- At the end of the movie, it says “For Harold Ramis.” A lot of people don’t realize that he died in 2014.
- Chris Hemsworth.
- You’ll laugh out loud at least a couple of times.
- The action sequences are better than the original, thanks to new movie technology.
- I thought Zach Woods’ comments as the tour guide at the very beginning of the movie were really funny.

- It doesn’t have quite the charm as the original.
- Does this reboot add anything new to the original? No, not really. Oh yeah, Chris Hemsworth.
- The script didn’t allow these comediennes to really knock our socks off. The material just isn’t as good as they are.
- Every male character in this movie is either an idiot or a jerk.
- Although this film isn’t the greatest ever made, it certainly doesn’t deserve all the hate that has been spewing over it online.
- The villain isn’t anything special or memorable.
- Needs better pacing.
Funny lines:
- “Something big is gonna happen!” – Erin
- “That is a deadly high five.” – Abby
- So, I don’t know if it’s a race thing or a lady thing, but I’m mad as hell.” – Patty
- “How can you be eating right now?” – Erin Gilbert
- “Am I on crack or is this a good logo?” – Jillian
- “That’s where I saw that weird sparking thing.” – Patty Tolan
- “Why am I using the untested nuclear thing?” – Erin
- “Ah, it’s always the sad, pale ones.” – Jillian
- “You hate to see the smart ones go bad.” – Jillian
- “You guys, this is exactly how I pictured my death.” – Jillian
- “Who’s the flying beefcake?” – Rourke
- “What year is it?” – Abby
- “I’m just looking for a reasonable ratio between wontons and broth. This is absolute madness.” – Abby
- “It transports ghosts and I don’t know where, but I think it’s Michigan.” –
- “Safety lights are for dudes.” – Jillian

- A lot of crude jokes.
- Some of the ghosts could be frightening for small children.
- Some profanity.
- Lots of slime, which your kids will love.
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