Movie Title: Jack Reacher Never Go Back
Director Edward Zwick and Tom Cruise were last paired together in “The Last Samurai.”

- Family first.
- Friendship, loyalty, patriotism, unconditional love.

- Tom Cruise always gives 100% in all of his movies. He really sells his stunt work and I like his interpretation of the Jack Reacher character in Lee Child’s best selling books.
- Cobie Smulders is really great in this film too. She looks great and keeps up with Tom’s physicality. She has come a long way since the hit TV show “How I Met Your Mother.” It was fun watching their relationship develop as they learned to work together to solve the puzzle that was keeping them running as fugitives.
- We get to see a softer, more personal side of Jack Reacher.
- Kick-butt fight scenes. There is nothing mamby pamby about this movie.
- Robert Knepper always does a great job as a bad guy. I loved/hated him in “Prison Break.”
- “Intense retail therapy.” ha ha (rich girl at the school)
- Movie reviewers have been critical of how formulaic this action movie is. Well yeah, it kind of is.
- Some of the scenes take place in New Orleans. Director Edward Zwick could have really featured its charm, but instead, the location comes off as a frat party. Wait a second…that IS New Orleans.
- There are a lot of faceless goons that come out of nowhere that Jack Reacher has to beat up.
- The story is a bit confusing, so don’t think about it too much.
- Danika Yarosh’s character (Samantha) was super annoying.
- It feels like a long movie. On the one hand, you feel like you’re getting your money’s worth. On the other hand, you kind of want it to end.
Tough guy lines:
- “Who the hell are you?” – bad sheriff (Jason Douglas)
- “You think you’re above the law, but I’m not the law. You better star running, because I’m going to start hunting.” – Jack Reacher
- “Two things are going to happen in the next 90 seconds…” – Jack
- “I don’t like being followed.” – Jack, Samantha
- “Ten minutes is a very long time, as you’re about to learn.” – General Harkness (Robert Knepper)
- It’s time we stop running and start hunting.” – Jack

- “Not sure you could handle me.” – Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders)
* “I don’t want them as bad as you. I want them more.” – Susan

- “Some people still wonder why you left.” – Susan

- “You have a very interesting way of saying thank you.” – Jack Reacher
- “This is insane.” – Susan
- “Does this mean dinner’s off?” – Jack
- “Why do I feel like you’re enjoying this?” – Susan
- “You have a weird way of saying than you.” – Susan
- “People talk to me. It’s a thing.” – Samantha
- “Never underestimate the charm of a seedy motel.” – Jack

* This movie is full of brutal hand-to-hand violence, blood, gore, explosions, guns, and perilous situations.
* There is a scene where you see Cobie Smulders in a bra.
* Lots of profanity.

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