- “Being a kingsman is more than the clothes we wear or the weapons we bear.” – Harry (Colin Firth)
- “Having something to lose makes life worth living.” – Harry (Colin Firth).
- Friendship, loyalty, love
- Good over evil
- The talented cast is fun to watch and includes Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Julianne Moore, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, and Jeff Bridges. Throw a thick mustache on Pedro Pascal and he looks like a young Burt Reynolds, right?
- The movie starts with a great action sequence and runs fast the entire 2 hours.
- I got a kick out of the British vs. American banter.
- Taron Egerton is the perfect Eggsy and really shines in his role.
- Julianne Moore is a fun villain. You can see her play twin sisters in the dark comedy Suburbicon
in theaters now.
- Yes, that’s the real Elton John in the movie! His acting isn’t very good, but he’s still awesome.
- Great stunts and special effects.
- Cool James Bond types of weapons.
- John Denver and Elton John music. Ahhh.
- It’s extremely over-the-top and exaggerated.
- Jeff Bridges seems to play the same crusty, old fart in all of his movies lately.
- There is a LOT going on!
Funny lines:
* “If I save the world, can I have two tickets to your next concert?” – Harry to Elton John
“If you save the world, you can have a backstage pass.” – Elton John
Tips for parents:
- Lots of crude profanity, including many F-bombs.
- Lots of violence, deaths, and destruction.
- Several inappropriate sex jokes and images.
- Gross images involving a meat grinder and other forms of death.

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