Last Night in Soho movie review

posted in: Action, Crime, Drama, Horror | 1

MOVIE TITLE:    Last Night in Soho

This dramatic thriller directed by Edgar Wright is now available exclusively in theaters.



LENGTH: 1 hour 57 minutes


In acclaimed director Edgar Wright’s psychological thriller, Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer, is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s where she encounters a dazzling wannabe singer, Sandie. But the glamour is not all it appears to be and the dreams of the past start to crack and splinter into something far darker.  This film won the “Most Anticipated Film for 2021” from the Hollywood Critics Association and was nominated for Best Film at the Venice Film Festival.

I absolutely adore both of the leading ladies, Thomas McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy, so I had to see this.  What a powerhouse of talent these two beautiful women possess.



  • I’ve been a huge fan of Thomasin McKenzie ever since I first saw her doe-like performance in the movie LEAVE NO TRACE and JO JO RABBIT. There is something very special about her.  She has a unique innocence that is so fresh and charming.  Some are already saying she could easily play a future Disney princess.  Agreed!  Next to the polished and incredibly talented Anya Taylor-Joy, they both keep you mesmerized to the screen.  They both showed great physicality and we also get to hear Anya Taylor-Joy sing in this film!  Anya Taylor-Joy is fantastic in every movie she does.  I absolutely enjoyed their performances in this film.
  • I love stylish transitions and there are plenty of them in this film.
  • The fantastic Last Night In Soho (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) blends the stylish 60s with horror.  It includes music from Cilla Black, Petula Clark, the Kinks, and other appearances by 1960s legends like Sandie Shaw whose song actually won first place in the 1967 Eurovision competition!  The music really takes you back in time and oozes style.
  • Speaking of music, director Edgar Wright has always done a great job incorporating music into his movies in creative ways.  I was blown away with how he used music in his movie Baby Driver.   I thought that movie was brilliant.
  • I love twists.
  • The use of mirrors in many scenes is clever and well done.
  • Some of the characters go to a Halloween party, so the release of the movie this weekend during Halloween is perfect.
  • If you’ve seen Italian Giallo horror movies, you’ll recognize this film as an homage to that filmmaking style.
  • The subtle and overt aggressions toward women are illustrated very well.  Most women will be able to relate, which makes female audiences even more receptive to the actresses’ stories in the movie.
  • The production design is really great.
  • The makeup and costume design is also very good.  It was clever to darken Thomasin McKenzie’s makeup as she fell deeper into her psychological journey.





  • The movie feels like it was made by two different directors.  The tone of the film is dramatically different from the first half to the second half.
  • The ending is problematic and even frustrating.
  • Sadly, this was British actress Dame Diana Rigg’s last film before she died from lung cancer last year.  She had a very long career in stage and screen, winning many awards for her performances.  In 1988, she was made a CBE in England and named a British Dame in 1994 for services to drama.  Those not familiar with her earlier work might recognize her for her role in Game of Thrones: Seasons 3 & 4



  • Some profanity, F-bombs, and crude language
  • Pre-marital relations
  • You see two girls in bras
  • Lots of alcohol and smoking
  • People are murdered in bloody, gory ways
  • Prostitution
  • Scary-looking ghosts



  • Legacy
  • Living your dream, broken dreams
  • Fashion
  • Memories
  • Peer pressure
  • Envy
  • Controlling your life




  • “Miss. Collins, I would never do that.” –  Eloise   (Thomasin McKenzie)  as she leans forwards to emphasize her words…HUGE foreshadowing if I ever saw it


Movie Review Mom GRADE:  B+









   @TrinaBoice   @MovieReviewMom


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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at