Lost on a Mountain in Maine movie review

posted in: Based On A Book, Drama, True story | 0

MOVIE TITLE:     Lost on a Mountain in Maine

This dramatic retelling of a true story releases in theaters on November 1, 2024.


LENGTH:      1 hour 38 minutes



The heart wrenching movie is based on the book by the same name.  The true story is about a 12-year-old boy who got separated from his family by a fast-moving storm and had to fight to survive during his nine-day adventure lost in the backwoods of Maine.

A few years ago, my husband and I flew to Maine to see their beautiful fall colors and because we had never been there before.  We were impressed with the kind people and lovely landscapes.  We also learned how harsh the weather can be and were told how quickly it can turn.  That fact is definitely illustrated in the film.

The film was directed by Andrew Boodhoo Kightlinger.  Writing credits go to Luke Paradise.  The biggest name you’ll see associated with this movie is Sylvester Stallone who helped produce it.

Donn Fendler’s story was recorded in a book that a 12-year-old Jim Boyce read back in 1939.  Twenty years later, Jim read the story to their son Dick.  Thirty years later, Dick became a producer that made this movie finally happen.


  •  The film features the young actor Luke David Blumm as Donn Fendler, the boy who gets lost on the mountain.  He did a great job!
  • Other cast members include Paul Sparks, Caitlin FitzGerald, Ethan Slater, Bates Wilder, and more.  Everyone did a great job in their roles.  I thought the casting was very good because Caitlin FitzGerald and Griffin Wallace Henkel actually looked like mother and son.  Paul Sparks and Luke David Blumm kind of looked like father and son too!
  • We see some beautiful landscapes that are captured by skilled cinematographer Idan Menin.
  • The musical score by Garth Stevenson works well to create various moods throughout the film.
  • The film takes place at the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States.
  • The movie features short interviews with several people who talked about the mountain in Maine and the real-life events, including his younger brother, Ryan Fendler, and mother Ruth Fendler.  It’s an interesting blend of documentary-style filmmaking and fictional storytelling.
  • We learn it was the largest search party in Maine at the time.
  • The villain is cleverly both the stern father and the unrelenting mountain.
  • We see and hear the young boy pray for help and make promises to God if he’s saved.
  • While Donn was in a dangerous predicament, the movie shows his exuberant joy of having freedom and an adventure during the first few days, all while his parents were terrified for him during every minute he was missing.
  • I love that the boy’s mom, beautifully played by Caitlin FitzGerald, didn’t just sit around and cry.  She took immediate action.  Worrying and crying don’t ever solve the problem!
  • Some creative camera angles illustrate how young Donn’s world is turning upside down.
  • We see that the father’s words echo in the boy’s mind over and over because the father had taught his son basic survival principles over the years.  It’s a powerful message that our kids really do hear what we say, even if we don’t think they do.
  • In the last few moments of the film, we see actual video footage of the rescue and photos of all the people involved in the real events, especially Donn, himself, as a grown man!


  •  Some of the night scenes are so dark that it’s hard to see exactly what’s happening, especially when there is lightning.
  • I would like to have seen more details that showed how he survived.  We learn that he walked 80 miles in 9 days!
  • Ethan Slater’s character is critical in the mountain climb but then completely disappears from the story.
  • While the movie’s title is certainly descriptive, it’s not very creative.


  • Very young kids might be frightened.
  • People, especially the 12-year-old young boy, are in perilous situations.
  • We see some injuries.
  • A kid gets scolded for spitting a couple of times.
  • “Mild” profanity
  • There is a scene where leeches get all over Donn’s body.  Ick!  Young children may not know what that’s about.


  • Courage
  • Fear
  • Family
  • Parenting
  • Hope
  • Survival skills
  • One step at a time
  • Responsibility for one’s actions


  • “I am the king fisher!” – Donn Fendler  (Luke David Blumm)
  • You know, matches would be swell.” – Donn Fendler talking to God


  •  “Press on!” – Mr. Donald Fendler  (Paul Sparks)
  • “You want us to be men?  Then, let us be men!” – Donn Fendler  (Luke David Blumm)
  • “I lost our boy.” – Mr. Donald Fendler       “Which one?” – Mrs. Ruth Fendler  (Caitlin FitzGerald)  She later explained that she secretly hoped it was Donn because she knew he would find a way and not give up.
  • “If you ever get lost, first, don’t lose your head.” – Mr. Donal Fendler  (Paul Sparks)
  • “In Maine, you depend on your neighbors.” – Dick Holmes (Park Ranger in charge of the search in real life!)
  • “It was really a miracle.” – Mrs. Ruth Fendler  (Caitlin FitzGerald)
  • “For a child that young to have that much drive was very unusual.” – Park Ranger
  • “What did I get out of it?  It taught me how to be responsible for my actions and it taught me love of family.” – Donn Fendler 



Coming soon!

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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at www.EmptyNestTravelHacker.com

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