Mary movie review

posted in: Drama, Religious | 1


This sword-and-sandal telling us of the Nativity focuses on the life of the mother of Jesus, now playing on Netflix.


LENGTH:  1 hour 53 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE:   B  (biblical accuracy = D)


I love the timing of this film.  Thank you, Netflix, for offering us a movie about the birth of Jesus Christ, just in time for Christmas!  Jesus, after all, is the reason for the season!

The film was beautifully directed by D. J. Caruso who has brought us compelling dramas in TV and film.  Writing credits go to Timothy Michael Hayes.


  • Sir Anthony Hopkins always makes every movie better.
  • Mary is played by the lovely Noa Cohen.  Ido Tako takes on the role of Joseph.  I enjoyed both of their performances.
  • It was nice to see Anne, Mary’s mother, represented in a movie.  When I was in Jerusalem a few years ago, I was able to see several locations and artwork dedicated to her.  So sweet.  She’s played lovingly by Hilla Vidor.
  • Other stand-out cast members include Stephanie Nur, Gudnundur Thorvaldsson, Ori Pfeffer, Mila Harris, Jay Willick, and Dudley O’Shaughnessy.
  • Gorgeous cinematography by Gavin Struthers.
  • I loved seeing Herod’s temple in Jerusalem!  I’ve seen several drawings and designs of what it probably looked like, but seeing it on the screen like this was very cool!  The set design and decoration are outstanding.
  • Good costume design by Tina Kalivas, although some of it didn’t look quite accurate for the time period.
  • I appreciate that the tone of the movie is respectful and reverent.
  • The musical score is lovely.
  • The second half of the movie is extremely engaging.
  • We see Lucifer skulking around quite a bit, played by Eamon Farren.  Of course he would be there because the most important event in the history of the world was going to happen.  He certainly represented how doubtful thoughts can enter our mind so easily.
  • Fans of the popular series The Chosen should enjoy this.  They’re used to a more fictional telling of scripture to better understand what those New Testament times were like.
  • There are some touching moments for sure.  I always try to look for the good in movies.  This movie isn’t as terrible as some are saying.  It’s not very accurate, but it’s refreshing to have a movie that’s not about Santa Clause this time of year.
  • I loved the last line and shot of the film.
  • Some viewers appreciate this film’s attempt to shed light on Mary at Christmas time, while others are calling it heresy and blasphemy.  What I hope is that people will be driven to the scriptures to learn more and to seek this Jesus Christ whom the apostles and prophets have talked about for ages. Even moreso, I hope viewers will reflect on their own lives in preparation for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming!


  • Not everything is biblically based.  In fact, most of it is not. Because the scriptures don’t give us a lot of detail about Mary’s life, a lot of artistic liberty is taken to imagine what it might have looked like. I had high hopes for this film, but was a bit disappointed.  Even still, it’s better than a lot of Christmas movies that don’t even mention Jesus Christ. Also, because we don’t have much information about Mary’s life in the scriptures, who is to say it didn’t happen this way?
  • Most biblical scholars believe that Joseph was a much older man.  I assume the casting team chose someone closer to Mary’s age simply because the optics of an older man marrying a young girl would be unappealing to modern-day sensibilities.  That being said, I thought the film did a good job illustrating a brave, kind Joseph.
  • When Gabriel visits Mary for the famous “Anunciation” speech, the film doesn’t even include what’s in the scriptures.  Netflix, pay attention to your audience and their basic expectations!
  • Gabriel is super creepy looking. Most people expect angels to be glowy, bright, and beautiful.
  • Some scenes last too long to say what they need to say.
  • The nighttime scenes are quite dark, which will make seeing what’s happening difficult if you’re watching this on a small device.


  • Most kids will be bored.
  • We see some blood and brutality
  • Fighting with swords
  • We see some people die


  • Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus
  • The Bible
  • Trust
  • Faith
  • Promises to God
  • Devotion
  • Purity
  • Judging others


  • None.  This definitely isn’t a comedy.


  • I was chosen to deliver a gift to the world, the greatest gift it has ever known.” – Mary  (Noa Cohen)
  • “Vision comes in many forms. The heart, too, can see.” – Mary  (Noa Cohen)
  • “You have been selected for great things, and great things never come easy.” – Anne  (Hilla Vidor)
  • “We are hunted.” – Joseph    “We are blessed.” –  Mary
  • “Love will cost you dearly.  It will pierce your heart.  But in the end, love will save the world.” – Mary  (Noa Cohen)



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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at

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