MOVIE TITLE: Mother Couch
This dramatic allegory is now playing in select theaters and will release on streaming on September 13, 2024.

LENGTH: 1 hour 36 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE: B+

The mind-expanding story is about three children who are brought together when their mother refuses to move from a couch in a furniture store.
The surrealistic film was written and directed by the young Niclas Larsson. He’s only 34! In an interview, he explained that there is a difference between entertainment and cinema. He stated that in cinema, you feel what the protagonist feels, while in entertainment, you’re presented with what you’re supposed to feel.
Already, the film has been nominated and won an award for “Best Nordic Film” due to the director’s Swedish country of origin.

- The quirky music at the very beginning of the movie during the rolling credits lets you know immediately that this film is going to be different.
- The first thing we see on the screen are these words: “It was all very simple. They were looking for a dresser. Blood wouldn’t spill until later.” What an intriguing opener!
- I adore Ewan McGregor in anything he does. He has a knack for choosing artsy, different scripts. Here’s another one. His accent is, of course, different from his siblings’ and mother’s. It’s explained that his father is different from his siblings. He’s such a great actor and did a terrific job in this.
- Rhys Ifan‘s accent is described as his being from Wales.
- I didn’t even recognize Laura Flynn Boyle. In every scene she’s in, she pops a cigarette in her life with a frown.
- Taylor Russell is darling.
- Of course, legendary Ellen Burstyn stars at the titular mother. I would like to have seen more from her, but she’s 92 years old! Her character is so unlikeable by design. It is rumored that she accepted this role because she had never played a mother in her career who didn’t want children.
- I like the imagery of a couch, which is supposed to be warm and comfy. That’s how we expect our mothers to be, right? In contrast, we see a very cranky and even mean woman who never wanted to be a mother.
- Other cast members include Lake Bell and F. Murray Abraham.
- I hadn’t seen the trailer, so I didn’t know anything about this movie before I watched it. It wasn’t until Act 3 that I realized it’s a symbolic film about letting go of our parents and any emotional wounds that they may have caused us during our life.
- I really related to the final scenes with the flooding and rushing water. I had to say goodbye and bury 3 of my parents in 3 months last year. At times, I felt like I was drowning in all of the medical and legal decisions that had to be made before and after their passing. This movie illustrates how heartbreaking and overwhelming all of that can be.
- The very first shot of the sky as the camera pans down is the first glimpse that perspective is going to be a big part of the film.
- The original scenario is absurd. There are many clues that let you know there is more to this story than meets the eye. Some viewers won’t see or understand the layers. Knowing this is an artsy-fartsy film before you see it will absolutely help you enjoy it more.
- While some viewers are calling this a dark comedy, the director described this as a horror movie. In an interview, the director said it’s okay to not like a film instantly after you watch it. What he wants viewers to do is think about it before deciding.

- Kids will be extremely bored. So will some adults.
- Profanity, including F-bombs
- We see a naked woman in a shower, but she covers her chest with her hand.
- Warning: This movie is highly symbolic.

- Dysfunctional families
- Caring for aging parents
- Unresolved family issues
- Grief
- Family trauma

- None noted.

- “It is what it is.” – David (Ewan McGregor) “Sometimes, it isn’t.” – Bella (Taylor Russell)
- “You’re doing good, though. I’ve seen a lot worse.” – Bella (Taylor Russell)
- “The fact is that you three are the result of men demanding my love.” – Mother (Ellen Burstyn)
- “Life is too short to dwell on commodities that don’t work.” – David (Ewan McGregor)
- “I never intentionally tried to hurt you. A mother’s gotta do what a mother’s gotta do.” – Mother (Ellen Burstyn)

- Tuesday:
- Once Within A Time:


@MovieReviewMom @TrinaBoice
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