- As a mother of 4 sons, I thought it was funny and definitely true-to-life that the boys generally spent their evenings wrestling each other. Ha ha
- The scary noises reminded me of the creepy alien sounds in Tom Cruise’s movie The War of the Worlds
- The movie starts fast and throws us into the action without dilly-dallying.. I always like that!
- All of the young actors did a great job, although I wish there had been time for more character development.

- There were some plot holes that bugged me. I’m assuming the sequel will fill them?
- The runners wore these leathered, strappy things, but I couldn’t see what purpose they served. They weren’t quite backpacks, so what were they for?
- They say “W.K.D. is good.” Really? No, I don’t want kids thinking wicked is good.
- Despite being trapped in a camping set-up, the boys are able to concoct some form of alcohol for partying at night.

- “You’re not like the others; you’re curious.” – Alby
- “It’s not a prison; it’s a test.” – Thomas
- “You’ll get your name in a day or two. That’s one thing they let us keep.” – Alby
- “You don’t get it. We’re already dead.” – Minho
- “I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid. Whatever it is, we need more of it.” – Minho
- (SPOILER ALERT) “Seriously?” – Jeff, when he sees the “Exit” sign.
- “I thought you had the chops to be a runner…until you face-planted.” – Newt

- He and I both graduated from BYU. He majored in accounting, which seems like such a boring profession for such a creative guy! He said “My heart bleeds for accountants. I don’t miss it even in the slightest, tiniest, little bit.” Ha ha
- James is a movie buff like me and confessed that movies like “Star Wars”, Alien
, The Terminator
and The Matrix
influenced his writing. It was the maze in the movie The Shining
that got him thinking about writing his own novel that would feature one.
- Now that his book has been turned into a movie, he’s interested in screenwriting. Go James!
Tips for parents: Mild profanity, deaths, scary noises, violence. Small children may be frightened by the “grievers” (robotic monstors that chase and kill the “gladers”).
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