Movie Title: Operation Finale NOW ON DVD!
Grade: B
Rating: PG-13
In a Nutshell: As darkness falls on the movie theater screen, we are told, “At the end of WWII, Hitler, Himmler and Goering all escaped justice by taking their own lives. The remaining mastermind of the Holocaust vanished, and was never brought to trial at Nuremberg. A decade later, most of the world had stopped wondering what became of the head of the ‘Office of Jewish Affairs,’ Adolf Eichmann.” This is where the movie begins…
I’ll never forget when I walked into Dachau, the concentration camp in Germany that is mentioned many times in the movie. I was a college student touring Europe as a Study Abroad student. As I walked down the gravel road to the gate, the air was thick with pain and suffering and I could feel it. It was sobering and powerful. My young mind could not imagine such evil. I still can’t. While this film isn’t the greatest Holocaust movie ever made, it’s certainly a welcome addition to the story.
Tips for parents:
- Most children will be bored.
- Spanish is spoken with no subtitles.
- You see lots of dead bodies and a body hanging from a tree.
- The film offers a somewhat sanitized version of the horrific Holocaust.
Uplifting theme:
- Humanity
- Good vs. evil
- Forgiveness
- Justice and mercy
Things I liked:
- Ahhh….Ben Kingsley. I remember the first time I saw him in a movie. It was Gandhi
and he later won an Academy Award for Best Actor for his role. He has not disappointed ever since. This isn’t his first World War II and Holocaust movie. He also played roles in Schindler’s List
and Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story (1990-07-31)
He’s always a sure bet as an actor, although I thought it was interesting to choose him, as he is currently 20 years older than Eichmann was at his trial in Israel.
- Ahhh….Ben Kingsley. I remember the first time I saw him in a movie. It was Gandhi
- History buffs will enjoy this. Those new to this story will want more information.
- Oscar Isaac gave a great performance, although possibly too guarded and composed. His younger brother in real life is also in the movie. Michael Hernandez plays Dani Shalom.
- Much of the movie is in old Argentina. I’d love to go there some day. One of my sons actually lived there for 2 years as a Mormon missionary.
- Eichmann watches a bunch of black birds making strange formations. It was probably CGI, but I’ve actually seen birds do that and it’s beautiful and creepy at the same time. I love the imagery of the evil that ebbed and flowed during WWII.
- Based on a true story, you get to see footage of the real people involved at the end of the movie.
- I really like French actress Melanie Laurent and would like to see more from her. She’s already popular in her country, but American audiences are just getting to know her. She’s best known for her role in Inglourious Basterds
Things I didn’t like:
- It’s slow-moving.
- The Holocaust scenes are hard to watch. It’s just unimaginable that it happened.
- It’s hard to believe how quickly Peter Malkin forgave Eichmann. I would not have remained as calm in his presence in the same situation.
- It’s not the best WWII movie, but it’s certainly a welcome addition to the collection.
Funny lines:
- “The architect of the final solution?” – Eichmann
Do you deny your name?”- Isser Harel (Lior Raz)
“We love nicknames.” – Eichmann
Interesting lines:
- “For the first time in our history, we will judge our executioner.” – Prime Minister of Israel
- Our memory reaches back through recorded history. The book of memory still lies open…and you here, now, are the hand that holds the pen.” – Prime Minister of Israel
- “I would rather die than have my history told the way someone else would like it have been.” – Eichner
- “It’s the wrong guy!” – Nazi soldier
“So what. He’s a Nazi. I’m sure he’s on somebody’s list.” – Nazi soldier
Want to learn more about this true story? Check these out:
The Eichmann Trial (Jewish Encounters Series)
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