Tips for parents:
- Some subtitles when people speak Mandarin. By the way, have you noticed that more and more movies have Chinese characters in them? That’s because American movie studios are trying to get more of their movies into the extremely lucrative Chinese market. In fact, this movie exists mainly because the first one in the franchise did so well in China.
- Some Russian profanity with subtitles.
- One of the Jaeger robots flips the bird.
- If your kids love the Transformers
or even the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
movies, they’ll like the fighting robot action of this franchise too.
- Some profanity.
- Tons of destruction and fighting.
- “We make our own luck.” – Hologram
- Never give up.
- Family and friendships
- Good special effects for the most part.
- I loved the respectful nod to Idris Alba’s character from the first Pacific Rim
movie, as well as the funny line when Dr. Newton Gottlieb says, “Your father was a great speech writer. Did you hear the one where he canceled the apocalypse?” ha ha
- I always appreciate some humor.
- The sound effects are really good. You can hear the weight of the heavy footsteps of the various machines and monsters.
- I loved Tian Jing’s outfits, especially her long, white coat towards the beginning of the movie.
- I thought John Boyega did a great job and I loved his hair cut.
- If you can, see it in 3D, but sit farther back in the theater.
Things I didn’t like:
- Some people may actually want to wear ear plugs while they watch this because it’s so loud.
- Super clichéd beginning where a teenage genius builds something incredible and races off with a covered face for the big reveal later. In fact, the whole movie was super predictable.
- Jake Pentecost’s rotten attitude was annoying and tiring.
- Jake Pentecost and Amara Namani constantly bicker. It’s supposed to be endearing, but it was just annoying. Several times he yells, “Shut up!” which is a phrase I really dislike.
- If you haven’t seen the first movie, you might be a little bit lost in the story; however, there is a quick recap to bring you up to speed at the very beginning of the movie.
- The character development seems super contrived and cliche.
- It actually becomes boring watching robots fight each other and smash everything around them over and over and over.
- Yep, this movie leads into another sequel. (sigh)
- I heard another movie critic explain that this movie felt way too corporate for his taste. It’s true. Everything seems very calculated and researched to profit the most from cultural tastes. For example, the two main pilots are Jake and Nate. Those are the top two baby boy names in America.
- Robots often fight monsters, but when the rogue Jaegers fight the good Yaegers, it looks like just another Transformers
- Guillermo del Toro was going to direct this movie, but he stepped away from it in order to direct The Shape of Water
, which he ended up winning an Academy Award for as Best Picture in 2017.
- “Stay focused and try not to fall over.” – Chinese guy
- “Speak in English. Your Mandarin makes you sound like an idiot.” – Liwen Shao (Tian Jing)
- “In theory, what does that mean?” – Jake (John Boyega)
- “Well, THAT’S confusing.” – Jake after Cadet Jinhai kisses him and Nate Lambert
- “I can’t believe she just hologrammed me.” – Jake
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