Peter Rabbit has something for all ages
Title: Peter Rabbit Grade: B Rating: PG In a Nutshell: Beatrix Potter’s beloved The Tale of Peter Rabbit gets a very modern spin as Sony Pictures blends live action with impressively expressive animation. With lots of critter mayhem, silly banter, … Continued
Braven lets you see the studly Jason Momoa while we wait for Aquaman to hit theaters
Movie Title: Braven Grade: C Rating: R, 94 minutes In a Nutshell: Directed by Lin Oeding, this Canadian action flick is all testosterone. Nothing like a relaxing winter day at the cabin. Ha ha My dad has a cabin in the mountains … Continued
The Shape of Water is certified fresh
Movie Title: The Shape of Water Grade: A- Rating: R, 119 minutes In a Nutshell: Certified fresh! This “adult fairy tale” was produced, directed, and written by Guillermo Del Toro. The film combines a love story with science … Continued
Hostiles shows the brutal wild West with solid performances
Movie Title: Hostiles Grade: B Rating: R, 135 minutes In a Nutshell: While this film fits in the Western niche, its narrative is still relevant to today. Tips for parents: A man is shot and scalped within the first … Continued
Maze Runner: The Death Cure ends the YA dystopian trilogy
Movie Title: Maze Runner: The Death Cure Grade: B+ Rating: PG-13, 114 minutes In a Nutshell: This third film provides a fitting finale to a thrilling young adult book and movie franchise. Congrats to my friend, James Dashner, for … Continued
Proud Mary showcases Taraji P. Henson
Movie Title: Proud Mary Grade: C Rating: R, 1 hour 29 minutes In a Nutshell: Who doesn’t love Taraji P. Henson? I thought she was great in Hidden Figures, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. She is equally competent on … Continued
The Cloverfield Paradox is a confusing one
Movie Title: The Cloverfield Paradox Grade: D+ Rating: Not rated officially, but it should be R. In a Nutshell: To call Cloverfield a trilogy is a bit of a stretch. The three films are loosely related with a few … Continued
Fifty Shades Freed ends the trilogy of trash
Movie Title: Fifty Shades Freed Grade: F Rating: R. Why isn’t this rated X? In a Nutshell: Why is this trilogy of trash on the big screen? Why isn’t this sold as the pornography it is? I realize … Continued
12 Strong tells the true story of the horse soldiers who were the first to fight back after 911
Movie Title: 12 Strong Grade: B Rating: R, 2 hours 10 minutes In a Nutshell: This declassified true story has good intentions and a solid cast, but doesn’t give us the depth that other war movies have provided … Continued
The Post shows that the power of the press is still relevant in a day of fake news
Movie Title: The Post Grade: B+ Rating: PG-13, In a Nutshell: Spielberg, Hanks, Streep. Powerhouse combination that reminds us why they’re the masters of their trade. Surprisingly, this is the first time all three have worked together on a … Continued