King Arthur entertains with quirky editing and humor
Movie Title: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Grade: B+ Rating: PG-13, In a Nutshell: With epic sword fights and a delightful dose of humor, you know a movie is good when you can’t wait to see certain scenes again. … Continued
Max 2: White House Hero is meh
Movie Title: Max 2: White House Hero Grade: C Rating: PG, 1 hour 25 minutes In a Nutshell: This family-friendly flick is DOGGONE harmless fun for the kids. It’s somewhat of a sequel to the 2015 Max (2015), produced by … Continued
Gifted charms in a predictable way
Movie Title: Gifted Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, 101 minutes In a Nutshell: This quick-witted film charms and pulls tears out of your eyes. Directed by Marc Wed (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), takes a look at parenting especially gifted children and … Continued
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 entertains fans with more silly fun and incredible special effects
Movie Title: Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Grade: A Rating: PG-13, 137 minutes In a Nutshell: I loved the first Guardians Of The Galaxy and have been sooo excited to see this next one! I wasn’t disappointed. James Gunn’s Volume 2 … Continued
CHIPS movie is a piece of garbage
Movie Title: CHiPs Grade: F Rating: R, 101 minutes In a Nutshell: I rarely give a movie an F score, but I thought this movie was a true piece of garbage with very little uplifting value worth noting. It’s a … Continued
The Zookeeper’s Wife is a sobering true story of WWII drama and heart
Movie Title: The Zookeeper’s Wife Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, although I would give this movie an R rating due to its grim nature and two glimpses of a topless woman. 126 minutes long In a Nutshell: This sobering film … Continued
Salt and Fire showcases acting as flat as the salt fields in Bolivia
Movie Title: Salt and Fire Grade: C+ Rating: It is posted as NR (Not Rated), but I would give it a PG-13 for some violence and people in perilous situations. 98 minutes long. In a Nutshell: Filmed in Bolivia, this … Continued
The Lost City of Z explores the jungles of South America and the mind
Movie Title: The Lost City of Z Grade: B+ Rating: PG-13, 140 minutes In a Nutshell: This savage story features the true tale of Percival Fawcett and his dream to discover The Lost City of Z along the Amazon river … Continued
Born in China is timed perfectly for Earth Day
Movie Title: Born in China Grade: A- Rating: G, 79 minutes In a Nutshell: Disney Nature presents a beautiful look at some fascinating creatures born in China. Narrated by John Krasinski (The Office: The Complete Series) , this eco- documentary … Continued
Smurfs. Blue. Meh.
Movie Title: Smurfs: The Lost Village Grade: C Rating: PG, 1 hour 30 minutes In a Nutshell: Little ones will be entertained while parents snooze during this Sony Picture animation. The cast is a pretty impressive collection of movie … Continued