The Last Descent will break your heart and give you hope at the same time
Movie Title: The Last Descent Grade: A- Rating: PG, 105 minutes In a Nutshell: Based on a true story of love and loss at the popular Nutty Putty cave, this film reveals faith, hope, and love in a film that … Continued
The Bounce Back is too formulaic and plastic
Movie Title: The Bounce Back Grade: C+ Rating: PG-13, 104 minutes In a Nutshell: This SUPER predictable rom-com has a good-looking feature couple, but with very little chemistry together. Their hard bodies are impressive, but this movie is not. … Continued
Loving is a quiet look at the Civil Rights movement and interracial marriages
Movie Title: Loving Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, 123 minutes In a Nutshell: Written and directed by Jeff Nichols, this historical drama sensitively tells the true story about the 1967 U.S. Supreme Court decision that invalidated state laws … Continued
The Light Between the Oceans will rip your heart out
Movie Title: The Light Between Oceans Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 132 minutes In a Nutshell: DreamWorks Pictures brings the popular book of the same name by M.L. Stedman to the big screen. With three strong leads and a story that … Continued
Allied feels like a film noir spy romance
Movie Title: Allied Grade: B Rating: R, 124 minutes In a Nutshell: World War II offers the perfect backdrop for a romantic spy adventure, featuring two good looking actors who fall in love. It has a cat and mouse, film … Continued
The Whole Truth offers adult themes with intrique
NOW ON DVD Movie Title: The Whole Truth Grade: B- Rating: R, 1 hour 33 minutes In a Nutshell: This courtroom drama based on David Baldacci’s novel was first released in Japan as early as Spring 2016, … Continued
Moana is picture perfect for families
Movie Title: Moana Grade: A+ Rating: PG, 103 minutes In a Nutshell: Disney brings us another animated film that is simply gorgeous. Each frame in the movie could be a postcard. The animation is stellar and absolutely breathtaking. … Continued
Keeping Up with the Joneses offers suburban spy comedy that’s only sometimes funny
Movie Title: Keeping Up with the Joneses Grade: C+ Rating: PG-13, 101 minutes In a Nutshell: Jon Hamm (Mad Men: Season 1) and Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) are gorgeous. So, there’s THAT. This suburban spy flick … Continued
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is simply…Fantastic
Movie Title: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Grade: A Rating: PG-13, 132 minutes In a Nutshell: The beasts are truly fantastic. J.K. Rowling’s imagination is limitless. She personally wrote this script, and David Yates, … Continued
Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life elicits applause from kids and groans from parents
Movie Title: Middle School, The Worst Years of My Life Grade: C+ Rating: PG, 92 minutes In a Nutshell: Based on the best-selling novel by James Patterson, these middle school kids “shred” all the rules and try to “stick it … Continued