Creed packs a punch for fans
Movie Title: Creed Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, 2 hours 12 minutes In a Nutshell: The Rocky franchise is back and better than ever! It packs a punch for fans with humor, drama, emotional growth for the main characters, that amazing … Continued
Concussion earns Will Smith a Golden Globe nod
Movie Title: Concussion Grade: A- Rating: PG-13 In a Nutshell: Will Smith rightly deserves the Golden Globe nomination he earned from his role in this “David vs. Goliath” story. His Nigerian accent is great and his depth of emotion superb. … Continued
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip will make you roll your eyes and tap your feet
Movie Title: Alvin and the Chipmunks Road Trip Grade: C Rating: G, 1 hour 26 minutes In a Nutshell: Young kids will laugh with delight. Parents will roll their eyes. Everyone will tap their feet. Voice talents include Justin … Continued
Daddy’s Home is dumb and delightful
Movie Title: Daddy’s Home Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 1 hour 36 minutes In a Nutshell: Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg definitely have chemistry together. You can see jokes coming a mile away, but they’re still pretty funny. Critics are … Continued
Point Break is a remake on steroids
Movie Title: Point Break (2015) Grade: B- Rating: PG-13, 1 hour 53 minutes In a Nutshell: In the words of Keanu Reeves from the original 1991 Point Break hit, “Whoa.” The stunts in this film are EXTREME. In an … Continued
Joy might inspire future women entrepreneurs
Movie Title: Joy Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 2 hours In a Nutshell: The movie informs you at the beginning that it was “inspired by true stories of daring women.” It’s based loosely on the true rags-to-riches story of Joy … Continued
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens is everything you wanted it to be!
Movie Title: The Force Awakens (Star Wars) Grade: A+ Rating: PG-13, 2 hours 16 minutes In a Nutshell: YESSSS! Episode VII is everything you hoped it would be! I loved it! The fans that filled the theater to capacity … Continued
Miracle Maker reminds us to be the miracle we wish to see in our lives
Movie Title: Miracle Maker Grade: B- Rating: G In a Nutshell: Mean, rich man gets a soft heart. That’s not exactly a new story, especially around Christmas, yet this simple tale is a gentle reminder that we can make the … Continued
In the Heart of the Sea offers amazing cinematography and CGI
Movie Title: In the Heart of the Sea Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, 2 hours 1 minute In a Nutshell: 1820. A giant, vengeful whale. A ship. A determined captain. Man vs. beast. Imagine Entertainment and Director Ron Howard create a … Continued
The Letters honors Mother Teresa’s humble service
Movie Title: The Letters Grade: B- Rating: 1 hour, 54 minutes In a Nutshell: This inspiring bio drama is narrated by a priest whose task it was to research and petition for the canonization of Mother Teresa in the Catholic … Continued