Lucy combines bang bang with Big Bang
Movie Title: Lucy Grade: B+ PG-13 in the U.S.A. or R in Europe In a Nutshell: The evolutionary Big Bang theory meets Bang Bang. As long as you remember that this is a summer popcorn movie and not a documentary, … Continued
Planes: Fire and Rescue doesn’t reach movie altitude
Movie Title: Planes: Fire & Rescue PG, 1 hour 24 minutes Grade: C+ In a Nutshell: You know when you make a Xerox copy of another actual Xerox copy and the quality gets worse each time? That’s kind of this … Continued
Dwayne Johnson makes for a great, Herculean rock
Movie Title: Hercules PG-13, 2 hours Grade: B In a Nutshell: The Rock. Man, that guy is huge…like a Herculean rock. Dwayne Johnson proudly proclaimed in a recent interview “I was born to place this role.” He definitely makes for … Continued
The next Captain America will be black
In an explanation posted on its website under the headline, “It’s time for an all-new Captain America,” Marvel announced that the next Captain America will be black. The change comes after the retirement of Captain America’s longtime alter ego, Steve … Continued
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes provides action and drama
Movie Title: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes PG-13, 2 hours 10 minutes Grade: B+/A- In a Nutshell: When I was young I went to a Planet Of The Apes Movie Marathon with my friends. We got a … Continued
America: Imagine a World Without Her movie review
Movie Title: America: Imagine a World without Her PG-13, 1 hour 43 minutes Grade: B+ In a Nutshell: Timed perfectly for the 4th of July weekend, this documentary-style film asks the question: “What would the world look like if America … Continued
Earth to Echo doesn’t quite repeat the charm of E.T.
Movie Title: Earth To Echo PG, 1 hour 29 minutes Grade: C In a Nutshell: This tween flick feels like an attempt at remaking E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial or even Super 8 with The Goonies (1985), but not as magical and … Continued
Don’t bother thinking like a man too
Movie Title: Think Like A Man Too PG-13, 1 hour 46 minutes Grade: D for dumb In a Nutshell: This movie is ridiculous and not in the “ha ha” kind of way. It’s a raucous romp in Sin City while … Continued
How to Train Your Dragon 2 sequel worth the wait
Movie Title: How to Train Your Dragon 2 PG, 1 hour 45 minutes Grade: A- In a Nutshell: Everyone in the family will enjoy this adorable DreamWorks sequel by Dean DeBlois. It impresses with FANTASTIC textures and surfaces: fur, leather, … Continued
Transformers: Age of LOUD, crashing, exploding metal for 2 1/2 hours
Movie Title: Transformers: Age of Extinction Grade: B PG-13, 2 hours 37 minutes In a Nutshell: Lots and lots of flying, crashing, exploding metal. I thought it was funny when an old man at the beginning of the movie sells … Continued