- Dedicated to all those who showed courage, compassion, and dedication during this terrible period in Boston’s history.
- Civic pride, teamwork, community
- Love vs. hate
- Good vs. evil
- Boston strong!
- “Always have hope. Be confident that good always defeats bad.” – Dun Meng

- The entire cast does a great job providing Boston accents and tributes to people we enjoy getting to know.
- Mark Wahlberg gives a dynamic performance as Sgt. Tommy Saunders.
- It’s always a pleasure to see J.K. Simmons, John Goodman, and Kevin Bacon. I adore them all.
- You get to see real footage of the aftermath.
- Great aerial shots of Boston.
- Fans of Supergirl: Season 1 [Blu-ray]
, Melissa Benoist, will be happy to see her, although not happy to see her play the wife of a deluded terrorist.
- I loved the real photos and information at the end. The video footage of Patrick Downes running the race after his surgery really touched me.
- Does anyone in Boston know how to speak a single sentence without using the F-bomb?
Interesting lines:
- “Do not Mirandize.” – It’s interesting and frightening that a decision could be made to deny an American citizen of his individual liberties.
- “Not what you were expecting, huh Comish? – lady cop
- “For a Muslim woman, marriage is a lilting dance of duality: strength and submission, beautiful, selfless, rapturous love of two masters, the carnal and the divine.” – Katherine Russell
- “Give ‘em hell, brother!” – a guy who throw a sledge hammer out his front door to help the cops.
- ‘I gotta F***n quit smoking.” – Sgt. Jeffrey Pugliese (J.K. Simmons)
- “I’ll tell ya that boat ain’t gonna float.” – cop after a bunch of other cops shot a ton of bullet holes in it.
- There is a lot of blood, gore, and violence.
- You see several people do drugs.
- A gazillion F-bombs and other profanity.
- It’s important to point out to your kids that Dzhokhar’s friends were arrested for seeing evidence, but not turning it over to the police and obstructing the bombing investigation.
A Boston Marathon bombing survivor plans to marry the fireman who rescued her, several media outlets report. “In the hospital, my mom tried to set me up with him,” Roseann Sdoiasaid. “She was like, ‘Oh, did you see that firefighter? He’s so cute.’ And I was like, ‘Mom, I just got blown up.’ ” Sdoia and her new fiancé, Mike Materia, will participate in the annual Empire State Building Marathon to help raise money for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Materia comforted Sdoia on the ride to Massachusetts General Hospital in a police vehicle on the day of the bombing. “I asked him if I was going to die. And he told me that I was going to be OK, that I only had a flesh wound,” she told reporters. “He’s seen me on my worst day.” The couple had their first date in June 2013. He proposed last month.

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