Movie Title: Peppermint
Grade: B-
Rating: R, 102 minutes
In a Nutshell: We’ve already seen a couple of vigilante movies this year (Death Wish and the recent sequel to The Equalizer
franchise), so it would only seem natural to have another one, but this time with a woman, right? I’ve always loved Jennifer Garner since Alias – Seasons 1-5 (Complete Series) [DVD] Jennifer Garner; Victor Garber; book
. She has been doing a lot of softer, Christian movies in recent years, but in this one she kicks bad guy butt. She’s in fantastic shape and her biceps almost remind me of Linda Hamilton’s in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
From the director of Taken, this movie has lots of violent action. Maybe I’m speaking for myself, but most mothers will be able to relate to the emotion and fury of this mom’s actions. I’ve actually had dreams like this movie where I get all Liam Neeson on bad guys who hurt my family. Sadly, my biceps never look as good as Linda Hamilton’s or Jennifer Garner’s in my dreams.
Tips for parents:
- Bloody, gory deaths
- Murders – a LOT. Jennifer’s character kills 43 people, including 5 people you don’t see.
- Violence
- Lots of profanity, including many F-bombs.
- Parents should probably talk to their kids (this movie is not for young kids) about the dangers of taking the law into their own hands.
Uplifting theme:
- Family
Things I liked:
- Jennifer Garner looks great! She gives a great physical and emotional performance.
- I liked the movie poster design, although it makes the movie look like it’s based on a graphic novel or video game.
- I’m embarrassed to admit that there’s great satisfaction in watching scumbags get what they deserve.
Things I didn’t like:
- Some critics are calling this movie “gun porn.” It’s all about the guns and vengeance.
- The very beginning is a total spoiler alert.
- Some of the story loses its impact because the emotion and certain plot points are moved around into a strange order.
- There’s nothing really new that we haven’t seen before in a revenge movie.
- If you’re not paying attention, you’ll miss why the movie is actually called Peppermint
- It would have been fun to see a training sequence to show us how she prepared for this big revenge experience during the past 5 years.
Interesting lines:
- “What do you want?” – bad guy leader (Juan Pablo Raba)
“What do I want? I want justice.” – Jennifer Garner
If you love Jennifer Garner, but somehow missed her fun kick-butt TV show, you can still binge-watch it now!
Alias – Seasons 1-5 (Complete Series) [DVD] Jennifer Garner; Victor Garber; book
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