MOVIE TITLE: Ralph Breaks the Internet
LENGTH: 114 minutes
Movie Review Mom GRADE: A
- Characters drink beer at a bar to drown their sorrows…root beer.
- Some characters try to steal something.
- It’s a kid’s movie, so expect burping, farting, and talk of butts.
- There are some odd jokes about manscaping in the beginning of the movie that fall flat and feel inappropriate for young kids.
- Some name calling and religious exclamations.
- Lots of violence and people in peril.
- TONS of destruction. (No big surprise here, since the title tells you it’s coming.)
- Despite being animation, some of the women’s clothing are tight-fitting and revealing.
Fans of the original Wreck-It Ralph will be happy to see some of their beloved characters, while being introduced to a few more new ones.
It’s really fun to see the internet laid out visually like they do in the movie. There are so many cute details in this family-friendly movie, something for everyone and something for all ages. The social commentary is hilarious and spot on.
- “Doesn’t the very nature of our existence make you wonder if there’s more to life?” – Vanellope von Schweetz (Sarah Silverman)
- Don’t fear what’s new or different.
- The key to parenting is…
- Friendship, loyalty
- Giving people you love the space to live their dreams.
- There is a realistic sadness that is shown as people grow apart.
- Before the movie starts, some of the real-life directors and producers speak to the audience. Kids were bored and wanted to get on with the movie, but parents in the theater laughed and could relate to the wit.
- I love little details in movies. For example, at the very beginning of the movie when Ralph is touching the icons on the computer monitor, you see the calendar date set as 11/21/2018, which is the real date this movie hit the Big Screen.
- I love the cute relationship between Ralph and Vanellope. They’re playful, loving, and supportive with each other. John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman do an excellent job as their voices.
- Knowsmore is a cute character voiced by Alan Tudyk (love him!)
- Wonder Woman
star Gal Gadot is just as gorgeous in animation as she is in real life.
- The click bait gags while in the internet were so true and funny.
- The princess scenes were AWESOME. Princess pajama party…soooo good. It was so funny when Merida from the movie Brave
speaks in indecipherable Scottish and Vanellope asks what she said. Some of the princesses say, “We don’t know. We can’t understand her. She’s from the other studio.” Ha ha
- I hope that the kids who watch the part in the film about the hurtful comments will think twice before posting hateful things that do no good.
- So many references to movies, video games, and internet nuances. I absolutely love how the film incorporated so many elements.
- The animation is really good. So many clever details.
- I don’t really play video games myself, but I raised 4 sons who still play. One of them is actually a 3D video game artist for Blizzard!
- Lots of humor for kids AND parents.
- Not all of the cameos are spoiled in the trailers. Yay!
- The character Taraji P. Henson voices, Yesss, has some fantastic costume changes, especially that fiber optic coat. Very cool.
- I can see several parts of this movie being turned into rides at Disneyland.
- The movie ends, but then…..there is another ending! Ralph Rick-rolls the audience. ha ha Sweet!
- I thought the marriage relationship and lessons learned by Calhoun and Felix was pretty funny, although they took a serious back seat to other characters. On the flip side, I didn’t like that their fun characters were reduced to a stale marriage that needed spicing up.
- I was happy to hear Flula Borg’s voice as “Maybe.” I think his YouTube videos are hilarious.
- Voice talent cameos include Vin Diesel (Baby Groot), Brad Garrett (Eeyore), Tim Allen (Buzz Lightyear), Bill Hader (J.P. Spamley), Ed O’Neill (Mr. Litwak), Nicole Scherzinger (Mo’s mom), and most of the original Disney princesses!
- Did you catch the Stan Lee avatar on the internet?
- You kind of have to see the first Wreck-It Ralph
to fully appreciate what’s going on with the characters.
- Tons of product placement. If that annoys you, don’t see this movie. If it doesn’t bother you, enjoy the ride.
- The old arcade felt…old. Perhaps that was intentional in order to make the internet scenes seem more exciting?
- Vanellope gets her own princess song, which could have been awesome, but it’s not very memorable.
- The Sugar Rush/Candy Crush video game landscape is a way funner place to race than Slaughter Race, right?
- Ralph is WAY too needy and possessive in this movie. Kinda creepy and stalker.
* “Wanna get rich playing video games?” – J.P. Spamley
- “OK, stop crying, though I respect your wonderful display of vulnerability.” – Shank (Gal Gadot)
- “Were like adorable.” – Taffeta
- “I honor your journey.” – Shank
- “There’s no law that says best friends have to have the same dreams.” – Shank
- “All friendships change, but the good ones get stronger because of it.” – Shank
- “It’s not right to hold a friend back from her dreams.” – Ralph
- “It’s that not know what comes next is what feels like life to me.” – Vanellope.”
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