Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 Satisfies Your Craving

In a Nutshell:  “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2”.  Swallow Falls has evolved into an island inhabited of living food creatures, triggered by a machine that young scientist Flint Lockwood designed in the first movie.  Flint returns to his … Continued

Planes takes a nose dive for Disney

posted in: Animated, Children, Comedy, Fantasy, Sports | 0

If Planes was about a bomber, then it would be mission accomplished. The voice talents of Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, John Cleese, Brad Garrett, and Priyanka Chopra are the best things about the movie Planes, a Disney release, but NOT … Continued

Little Tykes will love Turbo

posted in: Animated, Children, Comedy, Sports | 0

Turbo is an example of a trailer that didn’t make the movie look as good as it is.  I mean, a movie about a fast garden snail?  Unlike Ryan Reynold’s other movie released this weekend, R.I.P.D., this fun flick is … Continued

Mike and Sully go to lovable Monster’s University

I imagined the director and producers of Monster’s Inc sitting around a board room table, trying to come up with a plot for the next installment of the Pixar’s lovable monster flick.  During the brainstorm, someone in the room must … Continued