Mary movie review

posted in: Drama, Religious | 1

MOVIE TITLE:   Mary This sword-and-sandal telling us of the Nativity focuses on the life of the mother of Jesus, now playing on Netflix. RATING:  PG LENGTH:  1 hour 53 minutes Movie Review Mom GRADE:   B  (biblical accuracy = D) IN … Continued

The Virtuoso movie review 2021

posted in: Action, Crime, Drama | 0

MOVIE TITLE:    VIRTUOSO, THE DVD Now available in select theaters and everywhere you rent or buy movies online! RATING:  R   (very hard R) LENGTH:  1 hour, 50 minutes IN A NUTSHELL: If the title has you thinking this movie is … Continued

The Father movie review

posted in: Drama | 5

MOVIE TITLE:     THE FATHER The movie releases in select theaters and on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and other streaming platforms on February 26, 2021.   Definitely add this one to your watch list. RATING:  PG-13 LENGTH:  1 hour 37 minutes Movie … Continued

Thor hammers into our hearts with entertaining humor and action

Movie Title:   Thor: Ragnarok Grade:  A Rating: PG-13, 130 minutes In a Nutshell:  Count them…17!  Thor: Ragnarok is the 17th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  New Zealand director Taika Waititi directs this super colorful, funny superhero movie presented … Continued

Transformers 5 chooses special effects over substance

  Movie Title:   Transformers: The Last Knight Grade:  C Rating:  PG-13 In a Nutshell:  Michael Bay says this is his last Transformers movie.  Even fans hope that’s true. This Transformers blockbuster franchise seems to have fizzled, disappointing movie-goers with a weak … Continued