Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness movie review

MOVIE TITLE:     Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness This new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is now playing in theaters nationwide. RATING:    PG-13 LENGTH:      2 hours 6 minutes   IN A NUTSHELL: It’s been … Continued

1917 movie review

posted in: Action, Drama, War | 7

MOVIE TITLE:    1917 RATING:    R LENGTH:   1 hour, 59 minutes Movie Review Mom GRADE:   A   IN A NUTSHELL: Stunning technique and talent in perfect form.  Written and directed by Sam Mendes, this riveting movie has immense meaning to … Continued

The Current War movie review

posted in: Drama, True story | 0

MOVIE TITLE:      The Current War  RATING:   PG-13 LENGTH:    1 hour, 47 minutes  Movie Review Mom GRADE:   C   IN A NUTSHELL: Inspired by true events, this drama was originally supposed to be released in the USA back in November 2017, … Continued

The Lion King movie review

posted in: Action, Animated, Children, Drama, Musical | 0

MOVIE TITLE:   The Lion King  RATING:  PG LENGTH:  1 hour, 58 minutes  Movie Review Mom GRADE:  B-     IN A NUTSHELL: It’s been 5 minutes, so that means it’s time for another Disney remake.  I absolutely loved the original … Continued

The Grinch movie review

MOVIE TITLE:   Illumination Presents: Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch   RATING:  PG   LENGTH: 86 minutes   Movie Review Mom GRADE:  A-   TIPS FOR PARENTS: No profanity. Well, I take that back…there is a scene where a lady in the … Continued

Avengers: Infinity War packs a punch in Marvel’s longest movie to date

posted in: Action, Fantasy, Superhero | 1

Movie Title:    Avengers: Infinity War Grade:  A Rating: PG-13, 156 minutes  (the longest Marvel film to date) In a Nutshell:  Starring…well….EVERYONE!  All of your favorite Marvel superheroes get spotlighted, a difficult task that the Russo brothers capably tackled. As the … Continued

Thor hammers into our hearts with entertaining humor and action

Movie Title:   Thor: Ragnarok Grade:  A Rating: PG-13, 130 minutes In a Nutshell:  Count them…17!  Thor: Ragnarok is the 17th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  New Zealand director Taika Waititi directs this super colorful, funny superhero movie presented … Continued

Doctor Strange works magic at the box office

Movie Title:     Doctor Strange Grade: A Rating:  PG-13, 130 minutes In a Nutshell:    Cheers to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for introducing another interesting superhero to the Big Screen. I had never read the comic books, so I was curious to … Continued