Spiderman Homecoming offers a fresh twist on a Marvel fan favorite

Movie Title:  Spider-Man: Homecoming Grade: A- Rating: PG-13, In a Nutshell:  Another Spider-Man?  Really?  I rolled my eyes when I saw that yet one more Spider-Man origin movie was being made…6 movies in 15 years with 3 different lead actors. … Continued

Captain Underpants movie makes kids and adults giggle

  Movie Title:  Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Grade: B+ Rating: PG, 84 minutes In a Nutshell:  As a mother of four sons, I’m quite familiar with the Captain Underpants universe.  If you are too, then you pretty much … Continued

Split showcases a fantastic James McAvoy

Movie Title:  Split Grade:  A- Rating:  PG-13, 116 minutes In a Nutshell: James McAvoy thrills in this psychological horror story by M. Night Shyamalan, a director who knows how to take his time unfolding a story.  This is the second … Continued