Sweetwater movie review

posted in: Drama, Sports, True story | 1

MOVIE TITLE:     Sweetwater This inspiring and true story is now playing on Angel Studios. RATING:    PG-13 LENGTH:      1 hour 58 minutes MOVIE REVIEW MOM GRADE: A IN A NUTSHELL: When I was just a little girl, I remember watching the … Continued

Don’t Let Go movie review by Movie Review Mom

posted in: Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Teen | 0

MOVIE TITLE:      Don’t Let Go   (It was formerly named “Relive”) RATING:   R LENGTH:    1 hour, 43 minutes Movie Review Mom GRADE:  C+   IN A NUTSHELL: Directed and written by Jacob Estes, this fantasy/horror/thriller actually gave me goosebumps a few … Continued

Paul, Apostle of Christ movies is more dark and gory than expected

posted in: Drama, Religious, True story | 0

Movie Title:    Paul, Apostle Of Christ Grade:   B Rating: PG-13,  108 minutes In a Nutshell:  Just in time for the Easter season, this Christian movie brings Paul and Luke, both faithful followers of Jesus Christ, to the big screen with … Continued

Superbowl Sunday Special movie review: When the Game Stands Tall

posted in: Drama, Sports, True story | 0

In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, I thought I’d post a movie review about gridiron glory:     Movie Title:   When the Game Stands Tall PG, 1 hour 55 minutes Grade:  B In a Nutshell:  Inspired by a true football … Continued