Wildling was wildly mediocre
Movie Title: Wildling Grade: C Rating: R, 92 minutes In a Nutshell: A monster coming-of-age story, this creature feature movie feels like a 1980’s horror flick. It’s actually a new indie film by director … Continued
Movie Title: Rampage Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 1 hour 47 minutes In a Nutshell: My 4 sons used to play the 1997 Midway Rampage video game, so I was curious to see how well director Brad Peyton would adapt the … Continued
Movie Title: The Mummy (2017) Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 120 minutes In a Nutshell: Universal Studio’s Dark Universe presents a sexy, new mummy that hopes to kick-start a new universe of monster movies. It drops a lot of … Continued
Movie Title: Kong: Skull Island Grade: B Rating: PG-13, 118 minutes In a Nutshell: This is an entertaining re-imagining of the King Kong story and takes place where John Goodman’s character describes as “The place where myth and science meet.” … Continued
Movie: Goosebumps Rating: PG, 1 hour 43 minutes Grade: A In a Nutshell: If you grew up reading R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books or were a parent who read them to your kids like I did, you’re going … Continued
Don’t you just love Hugh Jackman? He’s like an action figure that can sing and dance. The Wolverine is a journey into one of X-Men’s most conflicted and developed characters on screen. If you love Wolverine, you’re going to love … Continued