Red 2 movie review
The last time we saw John Malkovich in Red, he was wearing blonde braids and being pushed in a wooden cart through a field in Maldova with bombs going off all around him, while being chased by dozens of … Continued
The last time we saw John Malkovich in Red, he was wearing blonde braids and being pushed in a wooden cart through a field in Maldova with bombs going off all around him, while being chased by dozens of … Continued
Transformers meet Godzilla with an inspiring speech worthy of Independence Day. There, now you know the whole plot of Pacific Rim, the summer’s latest popcorn blockbuster. My movie buff son absolutely loved it and said “I’d give it a … Continued
I imagined the director and producers of Monster’s Inc sitting around a board room table, trying to come up with a plot for the next installment of the Pixar’s lovable monster flick. During the brainstorm, someone in the room must … Continued
Which way now? That’s the question you’ll ask at the end of the movie Double, starring the aging-well Richard Gere. This fun spy thriller has some clever twists and turns, which I love. Even though I love a solid ending, … Continued
by Trina Boice The White House is under attack….again. If you saw “Olympus Has Fallen” a few months ago, then you’ve “been there, done that” minus the wonder that is Morgan Freeman. (My kids swear he’s in every movie … Continued
by Trina Boice a/k/ Movie Review Mom Brad Pitt. Need I say more? Well ok, if you’re a guy, you’re going to … Continued