The Addams Family movie review

posted in: Animated, Children, Comedy, Horror | 1

MOVIE TITLE:  The Addams Family (2019)


LENGTH:     1 hour, 27 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE:  C+



Children will be introduced to this macabre family in this dark animated version.  If you watched the popular 1960’s TV show of the same name, you might get a kick out of this The Addams Family (2019).  I never liked the TV show or previous movies, so I wasn’t very excited about a children’s version hitting theaters.  The timing for this creepy cartoon, directed by Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon, is perfect for Halloween, but it may not be the perfect fit for your family.  Hotel Transylvania is funnier and less dark for young kids.



  • Some suggestive humor and cleavage
  • Lots of creepy things you may or may not want your young kids to see.
  • Bullying, name-calling
  • Some pop culture references young kids won’t get.
  • I suppose you could say that children will learn what the opposite of things are.
  • There are lessons in this movie for parents to let their children be who they are.
  • Lots of destruction and violence.
  • Children are taught that it’s bad to assimilate.
  • There is a joke about how a murderous clown is usually attached to a red balloon, referring to the movie IT Chapter Two, a film that young children should definitely not watch.
  • You see a shirtless man twice.  The tattoo on his back reads, “No Regerts.” That’s actually pretty funny.
  • Images and talk of people’s underwear.
  • Some characters engage in dangerous activities.
  • Dishonesty and social media
  • Illegal surveillance
  • Some alcohol
  • Mob mentality and prejudice
  • Raising the dead



  • Family
  • Friendship
  • Accepting those who are different
  • Be yourself
  • Protecting your family from those who would do it harm



  • The talented voice actors include Charlize Theron, Bette Midler, Allison Janney, Oscar Isaac, Chloe Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Martin Short, Catherine O’Hara, Elsie Fisher, and Nick Kroll.
  • I loved the opening song with Christina Aguilera called, Haunted Heart  Other songs in the movie soundtrack feature Snoop Dogg (“Rock Mafia”) and Migos My Family (from “The Addams Family”).
  • The Addams family moves to New Jersey, the place where the creator of the Addams Family, Charles Addams, grew up.  The Addams family car’s license plate “CHAS” is also a respectful nod to Charles.
  • I always love details in movies.  The animation in this film has quite a few.
  • I enjoyed Frankenstein’s musical moments.
  • I liked the new design of Wednesday’s braids tied into nooses.
  • If you like Tim Burton-style films, you’ll enjoy this.  If not, you should probably skip this one too.  Tim Burton was originally going to co-write and co-produce this movie, but that didn’t happen.
  • The sing-a-long to the Addams family theme song at the end of the movie was a perfect touch.



  • I sure hope this movie doesn’t spark a new generation of goth/emo girls.
  • Everything is soooo politically correct.
  • Non-Jewish people may not quite understand what the special “manhood” ceremony is all about for Pugsley Addams, kind of like a bar mitzvah.
  • Gomez Addams’ facial animation was odd and seemed too smashed together.  His nose matched his eyes and his eyebrows matched his mustache.
  • Cousin It was always my favorite.  Adorable.  I was super disappointed that the movie didn’t do more with him/it.
  • Some of the editing and transitions are choppy.
  • There are some changes from the TV show and former movie.  For example, in this movie, Wednesday has a pet octopus named “Socrates” but in the original TV show, Pugsley had one named Aristotle.  Why the change?
  • I was actually bored and couldn’t wait for it to end.
  • Some things just didn’t make sense, not only for the characters, but for the story.
  • There were moments when I liked how Nick Kroll handled Uncle Fester, but his voice was just off most of the time.
  • It’s more weird than funny.
  • The animation isn’t that great.



* “What’s so great about being yourself when you can be like everyone else?” – Wednesday   (Chloe Grace Moretz)



 Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania 2

Hotel Transylvania 3




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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at