- “A normal man can do the impossible to save the woman he loves. My husband is no normal man.” – Jane Clayton
- Honor, friendship, loyalty, revenge, respect.
- The value of human an animal life.

- The musical score sounded very exotic and mysterious from the very beginning.
- Christoph Waltz is fantastic in anything.
- Alexander Skarsgard makes for a perfectly believable Tarzan. I loved it when he greeted the lions he had known since they were cubs. So sweet. Great CGI moment! As a 6’4″ hunk of muscle and abs, Alexander convincingly plays a kind Tarzan who can easily kick butt when needed.
- Margot Robbie makes a lovely, spunky Jane Porter. She’s a British actress playing an American, while Alexander Skarsgard is an American playing a Brit.
- Samuel Jackson. Ha ha He looks like he’s having fun. His character is actually based on a real person.
- Beautiful scenery and settings.
- Tarzan thinks those pincer ants taste like bacon. Ha ha
- There is a lot of action and movement from start to finish.
- There are some emotional moments akin to Bambi losing his mother.

- The movie jumps back and forth in time and could become confusing for some people.
- Sometimes the apes and animals looked real; other times the CGI looked too fake.
- There is a LOT of narration so that the audience can understand what’s going on. The problem is that the movie almost talks down to the audience. Show us; don’t just tell us.
- Samuel L. Jackson’s existence in the movie is merely for comic relief. He represents an American emissary, which doesn’t make a lot of sense in the story line.
- You hear Tarzan’s famous yell, but you never actually see Alexander Skarsgard do it. You also hear him growl like lions and other animals, but again, it’s a soundtrack behind him and you never see his face while he’s making those sounds.
Funny lines:
- “I’ve already been to Africa. And it’s hot.” – John Clayton (Tarzan)
- “I never take the stairs. I usually take the curtains.” – John Clayton
- “You DO know that the right side of your mustache is just a little bit lower than the left?” – Jane
- “How are we supposed to catch a train going 40 miles an hour?” – Samuel L. Jackson “Gravity.” – Tarzan

- “He’s Tarzan. You’re Jane. He’ll come for you.” – Captain Rom (Christoph Waltz)
- “They say an elephant’s eye speaks the greatest language. Who else can say so much without speaking a word?” – Tarzan
- “These are what you came for? What will you do for them? – Chief Mbonga (Djmon Hounsou)
- “Your husband’s wildness easily disturbs me more than I can easily express, whereas your spirit…” Captain Rom
- “That woman!” – Captain Rom
- “What was that?” – Captain Rom’s assistant

- There is a LOT of violence. Man vs. man. Man vs. animal.
- Some profanity, usually out of the mouth of Samuel L. Jackson.
- The issues of African slavery, mistreatment of the American Indians, and “blood diamonds” are addressed.
- There is a before and after sex scene, but the audience doesn’t see what happens in between.
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