- Who is the REAL crazy one?
- Talk about manifesting your negative energy!
- Director John Pogue successfully creates an atmosphere that provides an air of ethereal history.
- Nice touch to show artifacts and old photographs at the end of the film.
- It’s a good movie for teens to watch on DVD on a Friday night when they want to laugh and be scared at the same time during a party with their friends.
- It’s ironic that a movie entitled The Quiet Ones
spends so much time cranking up the volume on screams to get a reaction out of the audience.
- The jiggly camera effects made me more dizzy than scared.
- Everyone in the movie is always crying or sweating.
- A bit predictable. Even the twist ending isn’t original.
- “You’re scared because you can’t explain what you’ve seen.” – Professor Joseph Coupland
- “It’s human nature to question and be skeptical.” – Professor Joseph Coupland
- “He saved me from myself.” – Jane Harper
Tips for parents: Despite its PG-13 rating, the movie will give young kids nightmares. There is very little profanity.
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