MOVIE TITLE: Sun is Also a Star, The (DVD)
LENGTH: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Movie Review Mom GRADE: B-
Based on the book by New York Times bestselling author Nicola Yoon, this fate-filled, star-crossed romantic drama features two good-looking people who fall in love against all odds. So unique, right? If you enjoyed her story and movie Everything, Everything, you’ll enjoy this too. If you thought that movie was silly nonsense, you’ll feel the same about Sun is Also a Star, The (DVD)
. Directed by Ry Russo-Young, it feels very much like her other movies Before I Fall
AND You Won’t Miss Me
I can’t be too critical of a love-at-first-day romance. I fell hard and fast for a guy once in a day too. Well, it was two days.
- The Big Bang Theory is talked about as a fact with no other origin story mentioned to go along with the astrological theme of the movie.
- Some Korean is spoken.
- Some profanity.
- Crude comments about a certain male anatomical body part and its size.
- Some discussion about sex.
- As a parent, I’m always annoyed by teens who disregard their parents’ wishes.
- “Always remember to open up your heart.” – Subway attendant
- “Being open to fate is a choice.” – Jeremy Martinez (John Leguizamo)
- “Love is real.” – Daniel (Charles Melton)
- New York City is one of the bright stars in the movie.
- Gorgeous Yara Shahidi and handsome Charles Melton from Riverdale: The Complete First Season
are easy to watch and like. Her character asks, “What is the X factor?” His character replies, “Don’t worry. We’ve got it.” Yes, they do.
- I loved the idea of a subway worker making an uplifting announcement that had such a positive impact on so many people. No matter what we do for a living, we can make the world a better place.
- The scene where only a couple of people were looking up at the impressive ceiling in Grand Central Station reminded me of a time when I used to walk with my eyes to the ground, worried about where I was going and how quickly I could get there. Nowadays, I try to take it all in because I know how fast life flies by and how grateful I am for each day. Natasha looks at the sun and the star artwork on the ceiling, another moment to cement the stars-in-the-universe theme of the film.
- We missed John Leguizamo in the recent John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (4K) [Blu-ray]
but we get to see him in this film. He’s really only in a few scenes, but I always enjoy seeing him.
- I liked the questions he asked her about love. Every couple should have those conversations.
- Hardworking Korean and Jamaican immigrants are represented well. I enjoyed the little tidbits of information and history that were presented to help viewers understand more about the two different cultures.
- The author of the book and her husband are Korean and Jamaican like in the story. The story is much more interesting because of the diversity.
- When Natasha and Daniel first held hands, you can remember the exciting and magical feeling of a new relationship, but when they kissed, nope. There was something off about their kissing. No chemistry.
- Everything looks and feels very contrived. Even the tears looked fake.
- Daniel saves Natasha from being run over by a car and the first thing she says to him is, “What the hell?” How about “Thank you!”?? Her attitude about life and love is super negative when they first meet.
- Both Natasha and Daniel have super urgent matters to attend to, yet they have tons of time to spend with a stranger. They sure got a lot of things done in just one day.
- The film would have you believe that all immigrants are hard-working and good. Many are, but criminals also get into the United States illegally.
- People are so quick to kiss strangers in movies and in real life, don’t you think?
- I’ve been reading reviews online by people who have actually read the book and most of them are disappointed with the film. That’s kind of how it always is with books and their movie adaptations, right?
- Kind of slow-moving and boring.
- You’d think that someone (the attorney) who just got hit by a bus would take the afternoon off from work, right?
- Daniel’s brother (Jake Choi) is a real jerk.
- Natasha throws a tantrum and is disrespectful to an attorney who tries to help her.
- “Today is so important. It’s the ticket to the rest of your life.” – Min Soo Bae (Cathy Shim)
- “Don’t panic because you’re late. You never know why you’re supposed to be here at this time.” – Subway attendant
- When Daniel and his friend were watching people in the subway, they noticed a monk. Daniel’s friend said, “He looks happier than everyone else. I think we’re missing something. What’s going on?”
- “If you can’t use the Scientific Method on it, then it’s not real.” – Natasha
- “It’s hard to be passionate when you’re hungry.” – Natasha
- “Tragedy is funny.” – Natasha
- “Americans are all about I.” -Dae Hyun Bae (Keong Sim)
- “Americans think the individual is more important than the family.” – Daniel (Charles Melton)
- “Carl Sagan once said, ‘Human beings are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it’s forever.'” – Natasha
- “Time and distance are the heart’s natural enemies.” – Natasha
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