PG-13, 2 hours 3 minutes
Grade: A-
In a Nutshell: The movie illustrates the romantic spark between the leads, as well as Stephen’s search for the spark that started the universe. It explores the struggle between body and soul and expands your own world of thinking. Movie critic Tom Long from the Detroit News said it best: “It’s a brainy bio that exerts a gravitational pull on the heartstrings.”
How fascinating that a young man who was only given two years to live has spent his entire lifetime trying to prove the theory of time. He said “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to prove with a singular equation that time had a beginning? Wouldn’t that be nice? One simple, elegant equation that explained everything. Only time, whatever that may be, will tell.” Isn’t it wonderful that he has defeated that short death sentence to live to an astounding age of 72? He’s still going strong and who knows how much longer he’ll live and what he’ll discover. Only time will tell.
Uplifting Theme: “There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. However bad life may seem, while there is life, there is hope.” – Stephen Hawking
Things I loved:
· I loved the ending of the movie that showed, appropriately, their story going back in time and how quickly time really does fly.
· I’m so impressed with the courage and strength that both Stephen and Jane have demonstrated all of their lives. Shame on me for ever feeling sorry for myself or complaining about anything.
· I loved the friendship and support that Stephen’s college buddies and professors extended to him for so many years.
· I thought the film did a good job showing Stephen’s sense of humor. His intellect, humor, and human passions were never affected by his disease.
* I love that the movie poster is turned sideways, just like Stephen Hawking has done to various theories of physics and science.
I admire how Jane waited patiently for Stephen to work out in his own mind and time how he felt about God. She should have been knighted by the Queen for her many years of sacrifice and service to Stephen.
Things I didn’t like:
· It’s a bit slow-moving for some and young children will be extremely bored.
· SPOILER ALERT: Isn’t it interesting that you can have an affair without acting on it physically?
Interesting lines:
· “This is not going to be a fight, Jane. This is going to be a heavy defeat for all of us.” – Stephen’s father
Funny lines:
· “I’m a Cosmologist.” – Stephen Hawking, introducing himself to Jane
“What’s that?” – Jane
“It’s a kind of religion for intelligent atheists.” – Stephen
· “You haven’t said why you don’t believe in God.” – Jane
“A physicist can’t allow his calculations to be muddled by his belief in a supernatural creator.” – Stephen
“Sounds less of an argument against God than against physicists.” – Jane
· “I love you.” – Jane
“That’s a false conclusion.” – Stephen
· “Now, I’d like to make a suggestion. It might sound a bit unusual, but I’ve seen it work wonders. I think that you should consider joining the church choir.” – Jane’s mother to her daughter when Jane was having a tough time handling everything.
“Mum, I think that’s possibly the most English thing anyone has ever said.” – Jane
· “So I said I have long been looking for a model of the universe. I finally found her.” – Stephen
Tips for Parents:
· Teens who loved
The Fault in Our Stars
and who are interested in learning about the mysterious Stephen Hawking they’ve always known to be in a wheelchair should enjoy this.
· Fans of the Harry Potter franchise will enjoy seeing some familiar actors in this flick.
· Young men should be inspired by the science geek who is persistent enough to get the pretty girl.
· Stephen Hawking, apparently, subscribes to Penthouse magazine.
· This could be a quick start to an interesting conversation with your kids about Quantum Theory and general relativity. Here are some fascinating questions to discuss that Stephen asked:
– What is the nature of time?
– Will it ever come to an end?
– Can we go back in time?
To learn more about their story, check out the following:
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