- You’ll ask yourself, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
- Family, loyalty.
- Blood is life.

- The first 90 seconds give you a very quick overview of what happened in prior movies.
- Cool special effects. Most of them look great, although a few moments look awkward.
- I think it’s cool how one drop of blood can show so many memories of a character’s life. There is a LOT of blood and talk of blood in this movie, lending great meaning to this film’s title.
- Kate gets beat up a lot. Pretty flimsy plot to keep bringing her back…
- Lots of growling. Ha ha
- SPOILER: It ends rather abruptly. I wanted more of a satisfying conclusion, rather than a dangling finish that obviously leads into yet more sequels.
- A LOT of CGI-enhanced stunts.
- It feels and looks more like a video game.
- Because the movie features vampires, there is very little light in this movie. Each scene is very dark. This movie will look terrible on a little computer screen.
- It’s mostly vampires. You don’t get to see the lycans very much.
Interesting lines:
- “I’m finished with this war.” – Selene (Kate Beckinsale)
- “Are you a slave?” Then don’t act like one.” –
- “It’s strange to lose someone you feel like you’ve never known.” – David
- “I no longer fear death, for I have known it once already.” – Selene
- “Don’t think. You’ll hurt yourself.” – Semira (Lara Pulver)
- There is a LOT of violent fighting and splattering blood of various creatures. Characters die in a lot of terrible ways.
- Semira wears a lot of skimpy clothes and kisses another woman.

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