- “The life we’re given should never be taken for granted.” – Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie)
- “To win any battle, you’ve got to have the right strategy and resources and victories don’t come by accident.” – Miss Clara
- It takes courage to live the gospel.
- I love the idea of Clara’s “Prayers Answered” frame on the wall upstairs, a document that lists blessings received.
- Not everyone is lucky enough to have their own private closet like Clara’s or Elizabeth’s, but we can find someplace in our home to turn into a War Room
- Clara makes for a great preacher.
- I wish I could cry like Priscilla Shirer does…just delicate, sincere tears, unlike when I cry and my whole face turns red and puffy while my nose runs. ha ha
- Imagine how we could bind Satan if we all gave speeches to him like the one Elizabeth did that one night outside her front door.
- Clara was adorable with her “dumb” phone and smartphone.
- I love how well-worn Clara’s scriptures were.
- I know it was just a movie, but the grace felt real.
- I love how Clara taught Elizabeth that she can’t change anyone; the Lord is the only one who can.
- The production value was one of the best I’ve seen for a Christian movie. Christian films can often look so cheesy with wooden actors.
- It is heavy-handed preaching. Non-Christian critics think the movie is ridiculous.
- Even with faithful prayer, not all of our prayers are tied up in a neat bow in the end like in this movie. Life is hard and full of things that don’t go our way.
- Some of the acting was a bit stiff and surface-level.
Funny lines:
- “You know what my mama used to say to me? She said submitting to your husband is so you can duck so the Lord can hit your husband.” – Mandy (Beth Moore)
- “Oh Devil! You just got your butt kicked!” – Clara
- “Just because you argue doesn’t mean you fight well.” – Clara
- “When I fought against my husband, I was fighting against my own husband and my family.” – Clara
- “Why did you do that?” – Danielle Jordan (Alena Pitts)
- “I would rather have a man chasing Jesus than a house full of stuff.” – Elizabeth
- The film deals with issues of marital fidelity and corporate stealing.
- No profanity.
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