In Theaters October 2020
LENGTH: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Movie Review Mom GRADE: B
Based on the dramatic true story from the 2017 book All My Tomorrows: A Story of Tragedy, Transplant and Hope by Brian Gregory, the movie intertwines two families’ lives. It tells the story of Christopher Gregory and Jorge Bacardi, who is practically Cuban royalty of the Bacardi Rum dynasty. Directed by Lance Hool, the movie is family-friendly and sugary sweet. Chris Charalambous, the Head of Acquisitions at Freestyle stated, “We believe 2 Hearts
is the kind of heartwarming and uplifting love story that audiences need right now and will want to experience.”
A special thanks to all of those who bravely declare themselves organ donors on their driver’s license. They will live on in all of the lives they touch.
- The movie is about a double lung transplant. You might need to explain to your kids what that’s all about.
- Some profanity
- Lots of kissing
- Someone dies
- “There are only 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Chris/Narrator
- There are things that are more than meets the eye.
- Life is helpful when you can zoom in and out of it in order to get a proper perspective.
- “When things don’t work out, there’s always a reason.” – Grace (Kari Matchett)
- Being an organ donor after death and all that means is explored.
- Triumph can overcome tragedy
- Life and death and everything in between
- Jacob Elordi from Euphoria
is one of the main characters, but you probably won’t recognize most of the other actors. They felt like real people, not actors.
- Jorge Bacardi is 76 years old today, but there was a time when his parents were told that he wouldn’t even live past 10 years old.
- There are references to having faith in God, but this is not an overtly religious movie, so all audiences will be able to relate and be inspired by it.
- Have a box of tissues ready when you watch this. You will cry. You feel the emotion and pain of both stories.
- I like how the movie poster shows puzzle pieces and illustrates how we are all connected.
- While her husband was in surgery for the organ donation, Leslie asked the doctor about all of the people in the waiting room. When she learned that they were all waiting for their loved ones also in surgery, an idea came to her that would bless them all. She and Jorge founded the Gabriel House of Care in memory of Christopher Gregory. It provides lodging and a community for patients and caregivers waiting for transplants. You can learn more about it at During the movie, you find out that hospitals generally don’t reveal the names of the organ donors. Because Jorge and Leslie didn’t know whose lungs Jorge received in surgery, they named their donor after the angel Gabriel.
- What’s funny about this kind of movie is that critics hate it and filmgoers, especially women, love it. It’s not the best movie ever made, but it sure has all the feels and that’s what people want: to feel something, especially love and hope.
- Some of the flirtatious dialogue is SUPER cheesy.
- You pretty much know how things are going to go, but then the movie flips things around and surprises you. I love a good surprise.
- Super sappy music.
- The movie looks and feels like a movie on the Lifetime channel.
- Some of the characters joke around but nothing is really laugh-out-loud funny. Because of that, I would not call this movie a rom-com.
- It was sweet to watch the two romances unfold, but it would have been cool to learn more about the other lives that were touched because of the organ donations too.
- With a movie title like 2 Hearts
, I assumed the story would be about a heart transplant, but it’s not. Because it was a double lung transplant, there should have been more metaphors about breath and breathing, although Jorge and Leslie did name their boat “the breath of life” in Spanish.
- There are some bad acting moments.
- “They’ve all been fighting their own battles.” – the doctor explains to the family that 5 people’s lives are being saved by the donor. She tells them they might not reach out to say thank you because of everything they have been going through.
- “If there’s anything you can do for us, it’s this: before you go to sleep tonight, please call someone you love tonight and tell them…call friends or a relative you haven’t talked to in a while, and don’t ask them about their grades or cell phone bill, just tell them how much you love them.” – Eric (Tahmoh Penikett)
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