Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. movie review

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MOVIE TITLE:   Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.

This riveting drama based on a true story opens in theaters on November 22, 2024.


LENGTH: 2 hours 15 minutes

Movie Review Mom GRADE:  A

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote this fascinating book, among many others:


I just recently watched the 2022 version of Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace. to be able to compare it to this new one by Angel Studios. There are several other movies about this fascinating man’s life. It’s always interesting to me to see which parts of a person’s life filmmakers choose to feature in their biographical films.  In this film, Bonhoeffer’s faith and resistance to Hitler is the focus of the story.  The original title of the movie was “God’s Spy.”  I loved it.

The film was written, produced, and directed by Todd Komarnicki, who also brought us Resistance in 2003. Angel Studios has been knocking it out of the park with their recent films. Their distribution method with presales has also caught Hollywood’s attention. It is SO refreshing to be able to support a company that consistently pumps out family-friendly, uplifting movies.


  • Jonas Dassler did an excellent job as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and even looked like the famous pastor’s picture with blonde hair.
  • I got such a kick out seeing Flula Borg in this!  I didn’t realize he was in the cast until I saw him in a scene at the 35-minute mark.  I first discovered his funny YouTube channel about 10 years ago and then learned he could sing and dance in Pitch Perfect 2. 
  • Beautiful cinematography.
  • Fun fact:  Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a twin!  So am I!  His twin sister’s name was Sabine.
  • We learn how Hitler changed the Bible and German church during his unholy reign.
  • Music is a powerful element in the movie, especially jazz and gospel music that stir the soul.
  • The timing of Bonhoeffer’s death is heartbreaking.  The war ended only 2 weeks after he was murdered.
  • Keep watching during the rolling credits to read words that Bonhoeffer wrote in some of his books and to see a statue of him that stands in Westminster Abbey today.  It’s one of ten statues of a new collection called “Modern Martyrs” of the 20th century, sculpted by Tim Crawley.  Another statue of Bonhoeffer stands in front of St. Petri Church in Hamburg, Germany.


  • Some viewers might complain that we don’t learn all of the details of Bonhoeffer’s life, such as his engagement to Maria von Wedemeyer.  That’s much less important than his religious and resistance work anyway, so it didn’t bother me.  Even in a movie clocking over 2 hours, there just isn’t enough time to cover everything.


  • A man hits another man with the end of a rifle, bloodying his face.
  • Cigarettes, alcohol
  • We see a dead person in a casket.
  • Talk of assassination
  • We see a man with a noose around his neck.


  • WWII
  • Racism
  • Hatred
  • Religion
  • Faith
  • Truth
  • Resistance


  • None worth noting.  This is a serious drama, although the movie begins with lighter moments during Bonhoeffer’s childhood.


  • “You know, D., not every church has a steeple.” – Frank Fisher  (David Jonsson)
  • “Sometimes, love can be loud.” – American black preacher
  • “Sometimes, there’s just a manger.” –  Frank Fisher  (David Jonsson)
  • “My brother, hate comes in every color.  Your eyes just haven’t been opened yet.” – Frank Fisher  (David Jonsson)
  • “For what is a life if we cannot comprehend its ending?” – Dr. Sigmund Rascher  (James Flynn)
  • “Hitler only has to fool the Germans who come out to vote.” – Father Bonhoeffer
  • “Well, surely rumor and rage cannot win the day.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Jonas Dassler)       “Unless the day is already lost.” – Father Bonhoeffer
  • “Dietrich, everything new needs time to settle.” – Bishop
  • “The truth doesn’t apologize for being true.” – older pastor
  • “Our silence in the face of evil is itself evil.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (Jonas Dassler)
  • “It takes courage to face the dark.” – Bishop
  • “You have been called for such a time as this, Dietrich.” – Bishop
  • “The disciples scattered on Friday, yes, but my Sunday, they were on their way to changing the world.” – Paula Bonehoeffer  (Nadine Heidenrich)
  • “Is Hitler the first evil ruler since scripture was written?”  Eberhard Bethge    (William Robinson)   “No, but he’s the first one I can stop.” –  Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (Jonas Dassler)
  • “Words aren’t words anymore, Dietrich.  They’re nooses, bullets, knives.” – Hans Dohnanyl  (Flula Borg)
  • “Faith without action is no faith at all.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (Jonas Dassler)
  • “Every act of courage carries a cost.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer  (Jonas Dassler)



Coming soon!

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Author, university professor

Author of 23 books, university professor, mom of 4 awesome sons, movie critic, ice cream lover. Check out her world travels and tips at

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