America: Imagine a World Without Her movie review

posted in: Documentary | 0

Movie Title:    America: Imagine a World without Her PG-13, 1 hour 43 minutes Grade:  B+ In a Nutshell:   Timed perfectly for the 4th of July weekend, this documentary-style film asks the question: “What would the world look like if America … Continued

Martin Luther King would have loved the movie “The Butler”

posted in: Documentary, Drama | 0

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I wanted to share a review of Lee Daniels’ The Butler, released just last week on DVD.   I simply don’t understand how a mediocre movie like “American Hustle” can get nominated for … Continued

Saving Mr. Banks movie review

posted in: Comedy, Documentary, Drama, True story | 0

Movie Title:  Saving Mr. Banks Grade: A- In a Nutshell:  This is an absolutely lovely film that wraps a perfect Disney bow around your heart.  It’s the untold back-story of how the beloved movie Mary Poppins came to be.  Walt … Continued

Captain Phillips receives heroic praise

Movie Title:  Captain Phillips In a Nutshell:  This intense docudrama of the Maersk Alabama hijacking keeps you on the edge of your seat, an especially impressive feat, considering the movie is over two hours long.  I kept imagining myself in … Continued