Twisters movie review

posted in: Action | 1

MOVIE TITLE:     Twisters This exciting summer blockbuster released in theaters on July 19, 2024. RATING:    PG-13 LENGTH:      1 hour 57 minutes MOVIE REVIEW MOM GRADE: A SPONSOR of Today’s movie review: The Twister party game!   Link: IN A NUTSHELL: … Continued

Crawl movie review

posted in: Action, Drama, Horror, Teen | 1

MOVIE TITLE:  Crawl  RATING:  R  LENGTH:   1 hour, 27 minutes  Movie Review Mom GRADE:  B   IN A NUTSHELL: Gators and gore.  Ironically, I watched this movie while a hurricane started brewing in the United States on the southern coast.  … Continued

Pompeii serves up ash and cheese for disaster lovers

posted in: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance | 0

Movie Title:   Pompeii PG-13, 1 hour 38 minutes Grade:   B In a Nutshell:   This disaster movie is getting terrible reviews, but I still got a kick out of the swords-and-sandal attempt at filling in the details of how things went … Continued